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  Maybe you’ve had pain in your heels when you first put your bare feet on the floor first thing in the morning. If so, could be the beginnings of a common
  condition. It’s known as 1)plantar fasciitis. The
  problem could point to your shoes. Allison Aubrey
  reports on the kinds of shoes that 2)contribute to this problem and exercises that can help prevent it.
  Elizabeth Kinkle has never had heel pain or heard much about plantar fasciitis. She’s a 24-year-old architect living in Washington. And this time of year, she likes to walk to work in her “flip-flops,” which she was happily doing the other day when we
  3)approached her along with a foot doctor named Steve Pribut, who is not a fan of “flip-flops.”
  Kinkle: They’re pretty comfortable, keep your feet cool, so it’s nice.
  Aubrey: And do you wear them all day long or do you just sort of wear them when you’re 4)commuting?
  Kinkle: I just wear them walking back and forth to work and then put on the heels once I get into the
  office, so…
  Pribut: I notice a band-aid on that foot. Is that from a heel?
  Kinkle: Uhm, yeah, it actually is from…well, they’re actually really cute 5)wedge sandals, but they kinda dig in ’cause they’re new.
  Kneeling down for a quick examination, Pribut
  explains that both of Elizabeth’s work day shoe
  choices – the “flip-flops” and the backless sandals –6)pose the same potential problem that could lead to plantar fasciitis. He says, when your heel does not stay attached to your shoe, there’s a lot of extra
  motion in the foot.
  Pribut: Wearing an open-back shoe, when the heel lifts off the ground, there’s a lot of tension that
  develops in the 7)plantar fascia, and it increases the angle that the whole foot makes with the ground, and the toes bend up further, and that just stretches the plantar fascia more.
  The plantar fascia is a band of 8)connective
  tissue in the foot, similar in 9)texture to a 10)ligament. It runs all the way from the heel, up through the ball of the foot, and strands wrap around each toe. It’s 11)vulnerable to injury, especially as we age. But your choice in shoes can make a difference. To prevent
  injury, people don’t have to 12)toss out “flip-flops” or high heels entirely, but when you’re walking a lot, 13)presumably on hard sidewalks, Dr. Pribut says it’s
  better to wear shoes with some support. Back at his office, he picks up a pair of Asics jogging shoes that he says are ideal. They’re light weight, don’t have too much heavy 14)cushion, and, most importantly, they do not bend in the middle.
  Pribut: When I take this shoe and press it down, it bends just at the ball of the foot, where the toes attach to the foot. That’s right where the shoe should bend.
  When shoes have too much bend in the middle, Pribut says it puts tension on the plantar fascia. One of the biggest 15)offenders among fashionable shoes today is the ballet slipper or very thin “flats.” Out on the street, outside Pribut’s office, we see lots of women wearing them. Dominique Arvanitis says she likes them because they’re 16)comfy.
  Arvanitis: I walk around a lot, so the flats are good for me.
  Perhaps, compared to heels. But Pribut says 17)swapping them out for Crocs or sandals with a little support and a strap around the back would be a big improvement.
  Pribut: The ballet slippers scare me just about as much as the flip-flops do.
  If you’re now wondering whether there are any fashionable dress shoes that may actually be good for your feet, it might be time to ask a different question. That is: what can you do to strengthen or stretch your feet when you’re not wearing shoes? That’s where foot doctor Colleen Schwartz comes in. She’s 18)merged 19)podiatry with 20)Pilates for a more preventive approach.
  Schwartz: We ask a lot of our feet. There are so many bones. There are 26 bones there, 33 joints, 100 muscles and ligaments and 21)tendons. And, in order to give them the attention they deserve, spending a little bit of time every day can be so beneficial.
  A little time means just 3 or 4 minutes of stretching and 22)toning, and Schwartz says the best time to do it is first thing in the morning. Before even getting out of bed, she starts with an 23)Achilles tendon stretch. Here’s how you do it. You take a towel or a strap and grab each end. You wrap the middle of it behind the ball of your foot and then stretch your foot towards your shin by pulling the towel.
  Schwartz: Getting an increased plantar fascia stretch at the same time is drawing the toes even further up.
  Meaning 24)flexing the toes as much as possible. The idea behind this stretch is that the fibres of the Achilles
  tendon go all the way to the heel, so there’s a strong
  connection between a 25)limber Achilles and a healthy plantar fascia. Schwartz says all the foot exercises she does at home, she does barefoot. It’s also fun to go barefoot
  on the beach or in the grass. But when she goes about her daily life outside home, she does 26)advocate shoes, as does 27)podiatrist Steve Pribut.
  Pribut: Well, I think barefoot is good for some things; shoes are good for others.
  Pribut says the “barefoot movement注” may be gaining
  a little attention for its 28)novelty. And the idea that
  thousands of years ago shoeless civilisations had healthier feet could be true. But, Pribut says, back then the 29)average
  life expectancy was about 30, and cave woman didn’t have to contend with glass, nails, hard 30)concrete or fashion.


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