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从韩国劳工部获悉,韩国产业部门每年发生的劳动伤害事故数、受伤害的雇员人数、因工致残人数和因工死亡人数如下,1975年分别为79 819起、80 570人、6 490人和1 006人,1980年分别为112 111起、112 375人、14 873人和1 273人,1985年分别为140 218起、141 809人、19 824人和1 718人,1990年分别为126 966起、132 893人、27 813人和2 236人,1996年分别为70188起、71548人、27394人和2 670人。每年发生的职业病例数如下,1975年为4 032例,1980年为4 828例,1985年为6 895例,1990年为7 742例,1996年为2 978例。 It is noted from the Ministry of Labor of South Korea that the number of work-related injury accidents, the number of employees injured, the number of work-related injuries and the number of work-related deaths per year in the industrial sector in South Korea were as follows: 79,819 in 1975, 80,570 and 6,490 And 1,006 in 1980, 112,111, 112,375 and 14,873 and 1,273 respectively in 1980 and 140,218, 141,809, 19,824 and 1,718 in 1985 and 126 9,666, 132,893, 27,813 and 2,236, respectively, from 70,188 in 1996 to 71,548 in 1997, 27,394 in 2007 and 2,670 in 1997. The number of occupational cases occurring each year is as follows: 4 032 cases in 1975, 4 828 cases in 1980, 6 895 cases in 1985, 7 742 cases in 1990 and 2 978 cases in 1996.
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外交部长李肇星常以通俗幽默的语言,表达独到的见解,说明深刻的道理。一次,他在回答记者提问时说: Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing often uses his usual and humorous langu
对慢性滤泡性咽炎 ,采用常规治疗方法较难治愈。本院于 1990~ 1992年用CO2 激光治疗 5 4例 ,均痊愈。报告如下。1 临床资料1 1 器械CO2 激光刀是由CO2 激光管、高压直流激励电源导
让-贝尔纳·波米耶(Jean-Bernard Pommier,1944—)1991—1997 Erato(1997,10CD)Warner(2006,10CD,盒装版)法国钢琴家让-贝尔纳·波米耶在巴黎国立音乐学院师从伊夫·奈(Yves
The title compound, [Cu2(CH3COO)4(C8H10N2)]n·nCH3CN 1 (C8H10N2, 4,4-bipy = 4,4-bipyridine), has been solvothermally synthesized in CH3CN and characterized by X
《汉语大字典》(徐中舒主编,四川辞书出版社、湖北辞书出版社)对古今字、通假字、异体字等用字现象的标识很有特色,其凡例第14条曰:“异体关系在异体字下根据不同情况分别用‘同某’、‘后作某’、‘也作某’表示。通假义项用‘通某’表示。”  《汉语大字典》没有标识古今字,而把古今字和异体字都看作了异体关系,也就是看作了广义的异体字,即读音意义部分相同、形体不同的字。但笔者在查阅的过程中发现,编者实际上是用
Aims: To assess prevalence of the insulin resistance syndrome (IRS: obesity, a bnormal glucose homoeostasis, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension) in obese UK child