Research on the grain refinement under pulsed magnetic field

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dorawu
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In this paper,the principle of Pulsed Magnetic Field(PMF) force was analyzed through mathematical analyses.By theoretical analysis and calculation,the results show that the great electromagnetic force is made in the melt under pulsed magnetic field,as well as changing its direction in different places of melt at the same time.It enforces the crystallizing nucleus and brittle crystallite to fragment in the solidification processing.From the point of view,one of the main factors of grain refinement is that the fragmentations occur under a pulsed magnetic field by preliminary judgement. The feasibility of application in the metallurgical industry under PMF was discussed through comparing the results of grain refinement under EMS.According to the theoretic calculation,the power consumption under EMS is 5 -8 times the amount under PMF,when both of magnetic flux density B are 0.07T.That is to say,the better effect on grain refining can be obtained under PMF,compared with EMS,even in the lower power consumption.The solidification experiments of Sn-20%Pb alloy are conducted under the same experimental conditions that the magnetic intensity is 0.07T in the center of the crucible,it also shows that PMF has a better effect on grain refining than EMS. Combined with the continuous casting process,the influence of pulsed parameters and the metallurgical effects with applying PMF at different solidification stages was investigated.There are different grain refining effects under PMF in different solidification stages,and there are different grain refining effects under PMF in different PMF parameters.For the Sn-20%Pb alloy or silicon steel,it is more effective during the initial stage,in which the pulse frequency is 5Hz.For the Sn-20%Pb alloy,the average grain size ofβphase is the smallest,when applying the PMF during the temperature of melt decreasing from 201℃to 184℃.Further investigation of the specified technique parameters for industrial applications are required. In this paper, the principle of Pulsed Magnetic Field (PMF) force was analyzed through mathematical analyzes. By theoretical analysis and calculation, the results show that the great electromagnetic force is made in the melt under pulsed magnetic field, as well as changing its direction in different places of melt at the same time .It enforces the crystallizing nucleus and brittle crystallite to fragment in the solidification processing. Flash the point of view, one of the main factors of grain refinement is that the fragmentations occur under a pulsed magnetic field by The feasibility of application in the metallurgical industry under PMF was discussed through comparing the results of grain refinement under EMS. Based on the theoretic calculation, the power consumption under EMS is 5 -8 times the amount under PMF, when both of magnetic flux density B are 0.07T.That is to say, the better effect on grain refining can be obtained under PMF, compared with EMS, even in the lowe r power consumption. The solidification experiments of Sn-20% Pb alloy are conducted under the same experimental conditions that the magnetic intensity is 0.07T in the center of the crucible, it also shows that PMF has a better effect on grain refining than EMS. Combined with the continuous casting process, the influence of pulsed parameters and the metallurgical effects with applied PMF at different solidification stages was investigated. Here are different grain refining effects under PMF in different solidification stages, and there are different grain refining effects under PMF in different PMF parameters. For the Sn-20% Pb alloy or silicon steel, it is more effective during the initial stage, where the pulse frequency is 5 Hz. For the Sn-20% Pb alloy, the average grain size of βphase is the smallest, when applying the PMF during the temperature of melt decreasing from 201 ° C. to 184 ° C. Further investigations of the specified technique parameters for industrial applications are required.
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入选理由:如何将教学进行结构化设计,教师作了一些有益的探索。一、目标分析本节课的教学目标如下: 掌握勾股定理的逆定理,会用它判定一个三角形是否是直角三角形;会运用勾股