
来源 :民俗典籍文字研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smartbelief2
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地处“欧洲十字路口”的爱沙尼亚拥有不平凡的民俗学史和丰富的民俗学成果。爱沙尼亚于13世纪受德国和丹麦的统治成为基督教国家,同时也建立了与欧洲文明和西方基督教文化的联系。迄至19世纪初,启蒙主义与浪漫主义的传播都对爱沙尼亚早期民俗学的形成发挥了重要作用。此后,爱沙尼亚史诗《卡列维博格》的成型与传播,为爱沙尼亚人提供了一种想象的遗产观,促进了爱沙尼亚国家的建立。有名的爱沙尼亚民俗档案化工作始于19世纪末、20世纪初,但民俗学者的研究仍倾向于芬兰学派,不过也会关注民俗的社会文化上下文的研究,语言学也还居于主流研究地位。爱沙尼亚归属苏联期间,民俗学的主要工作是保存民俗档案和在新意识形态系统下从事学科建设。塔尔图大学参与了此前和此后国家教育体制的变迁与民俗学发展的全部历程。1991年爱沙尼亚再次独立,民俗学研究改变了苏联时期的孤岛状态,发展国际化研究。当代爱沙尼亚民俗学已不再是一门严谨的学科,里面充满了争论、多样化的概念和研究问题。但它无论怎样变化,都仍如一个世纪之前那样,是一种系统的、批评性的对传统的研究,而该传统则建立在过去与现在的、口头的和文学的文本的生产与再生产之上。 Estonia, situated at the crossroads of Europe, has an extraordinary history of folklore and a wealth of folklore achievements. Estonia was a Christian nation under German and Danish rule in the thirteenth century, and it also established links with European and Western Christian cultures. By the early 19th century, the spread of Enlightenment and Romanticism had played an important role in the formation of early Estonian folklore in Estonia. Since then, the shaping and dissemination of the Estonian epic Kalevi-Berg has provided the Estonians with an imagined legacy of ideas and promoted the establishment of the Estonian nation. The well-known Estonian archives work began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, studies of folklorists still prefer the Finnish school, but they also pay attention to the study of social and cultural contexts of folk custom. Linguistics also occupies the mainstream research position. During the period of Estonia’s affiliation with the Soviet Union, the main work of folklore was to preserve the folk archives and to carry out disciplinary construction under the new ideology system. Tartu University participated in the previous and subsequent changes in the national education system and the history of folklore. Estonia once again became independent in 1991, and studies of folklore changed the isolated islands in the Soviet Union and developed international studies. Contemporary Estonian folklore is no longer a rigorous subject, and is full of arguments, diverse concepts and research questions. But no matter how it is changed, as it was a century ago, it was a systematic and critical study of tradition that was based on the production and reproduction of past and present, verbal and literary texts on.