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截至2014年10月24日农药登记公告,在我国取得登记用于防治苹果园杂草并在有效期内的农药产品(包括分装登记产品)共66个。现将防治苹果园杂草农药产品的登记名称、生产厂家、登记证号、剂型、施用方法等相关信息整理如下,供陕西、甘肃、山东、河北、河南、山西、辽宁、新疆等苹果主要产区农药销售商和苹果种植合作社果农参考选用,具体防治对象用药量的大小、使用注意事项等信息以产品标签或使用说明书为准。 As of October 24, 2014 pesticide registration announcement, in our country to obtain registration for the control of apple orchards and weeds in the period of pesticide products (including sub-registered products) a total of 66. Now the prevention and control of apple orchard weed pesticide product registration name, manufacturer, registration number, dosage form, application methods and other related information is summarized below, for Shaanxi, Gansu, Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Liaoning, Xinjiang and other major apple production District pesticide vendors and apple planting cooperatives farmers reference selection, the specific prevention and control object dosage size, precautions and other information to the product label or instruction manual shall prevail.
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数学课堂教学的“精讲点拨”应抓住新的知识点和重难点,质疑问难,帮助学生实现转化,适时点拨,启迪思维。 Mathematical classroom teaching “Serve points ” should gras