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本文介绍了一种薄膜结合强度的新型测量方法~刮剥法的测量原理、特点以及应用范围。所谓薄膜结合强度的刮剥式测量方法(简称刮剥法),实际上是一个使用特制刮剥刀具、以类似于薄层金属刮削方式工作,并以从基底上剥离薄膜所需能量作为其结合强度量度的测量方法。刮剥法与现广泛使用的划痕式结合力测量法的区别主要表现为:(1)该法是一个能量测量方法,即以薄膜的剥离能量作为薄膜与基体的结合强度的描述;(2)测量时采用的是对膜/基界面的切向加载方式;(3)测量结果是对膜/基结合强度的直接描述,并对基底表面状态、材质等不敏感;(4)可以对其它方法无法进行测量的超硬材料薄膜,如金刚石和立方氮化硼等,进行结合强度测量。本文通过对刮剥过程中刮剥刀刃附近区域的受力分析,得出了成功实现沿界面剥离薄膜的必要条件以及刮剥法测试对试样的要求和应用范围。 This paper presents a new measurement method of film bonding strength ~ measurement principle scraping stripping method, characteristics and application range. The so-called scratch-stripping method (thin-film stripping method) of the so-called film bonding strength is actually a method using a special scraping blade to work in a manner similar to a thin metal scraping method and to combine the energy required to peel the film from the substrate Measurement method of intensity measurement. Scratch stripping method and the present widely used method of measurement of the difference between the scratch binding mainly as follows: (1) The method is an energy measurement method, that is, the stripping energy of the film as a thin film and the matrix bonding strength description; (3) The measurement result is a direct description of the bonding strength of the film / substrate and is not sensitive to the surface condition, material, etc. of the substrate. (4) The tangential loading of the film / Methods Unable to make measurements of superhard materials such as diamond and cubic boron nitride, etc., to measure the bond strength. In this paper, through the analysis of the force in the area near the scraping blade during the scraping and stripping process, the necessary conditions for successfully stripping the thin film along the interface and the requirements and application range of the scraping stripping method to the sample are obtained.
作者报告在巴黎FACULTE DE MEDECINE实驗室进行的蛇根草內对分泌系統的作用,已經証明在鼠类使用蛇根草吋。对許多内分泌腺体产生不良作用。成熟鼠給于蛇根草每日量(每公斤体
急性阿米巴痢疾 (一)克雷格氏疗法:先用吐根素0.065克皮下注射(成人量).每日一次,到症状消失,大便变成半成形时,即停止用药;普通在用药4—8天,症状即消失,少数病例,须用药至
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为了工作上的需要,我们积極地动腦筋想办法,設計了一种分液漏斗的代用裝置,并經試用于生药成分提取和药品的精制分离等方面,均认为滿意,特此介紹。(如圖) 使用方法:取装置正