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印度政府最近公布了新财政年度(1990年4月1日至1991年3月31日)预算,其中国防预算为1575亿卢比(约95.4亿美元),占政府总预算9453.5亿卢比的16.7%,较上年度国防预算1300亿卢比增加了21.2%。 印度总理维·普·辛格去年底刚上台后就表示,尽管政府面临预算紧缩的情况,但他将继续保持印度的巨额防务开支,努力发展本国的军事工业,加强武器装备的研制工作。事实表明,印度历届政府都在坚定不移地实施80年代初 The Indian government recently announced the budget for the new fiscal year (April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991), of which the national defense budget was 157.5 billion rupees (about 9.54 billion U.S. dollars), accounting for 16.7% of the government’s total budget of 945.35 billion rupees, This represents an increase of 21.2% over the previous year’s defense budget of Rs 1,300 crore. Indian Prime Minister Vip Singh said at the end of last year after he took office that although the government is facing a budget squeeze, he will continue to maintain India’s huge defense expenditures, strive to develop its own military industry and strengthen the development of weapons and equipment. Facts have shown that all the Indian governments are firmly implementing the early 1980s
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欧盟运行条约第258条款的侵权程序规定一直被欧盟行政机构和法官看作是欧盟委员会(European Commission)和违约成员国二者之间的讨价还价游戏,其中个体是不发挥任何作用的。
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