
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dh482600
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1 94 3年 1 1月开罗会议以后 ,蒋介石国民政府在中央设计局之下 ,成立了台湾调查委员会 ,着手准备战后光复台湾。中国战区台湾省的受降仪式于 1 94 5年1 0月 2 5日在台北市中山堂举行。这标志着被日本殖民统治达半个世纪之久的台湾正式回归祖国怀抱。台湾地区的军事接收工作由台湾省警备总司令部具体负责实施。它专门成立了台湾地区军事接收委员会。 1 94 5年 1 0月 5日前进指挥所飞抵台北 ,其后各主要接收部队陆续开进台湾 ,分别组成了陆军第一组、陆军第二组、陆军第三组、军政组、海军组、空军组、宪兵组等接收小组 ,较为顺利地完成了战后台湾的军事接收任务。在军事接收过程中 ,中国军队对日军俘虏发扬了国际人道主义。但在部分日军俘虏中 ,曾发生违反投降协议书 ,擅自将大批武器、弹药、化学兵器及军用物资等盗卖、毁损或藏匿不报的现象。受降及军事接收得到广大台湾同胞热情的支持。 After the Cairo Conference in January 2003, the Chiang Kai-shek National Government set up a Taiwan investigation commission under the Central Design Bureau and set about preparing for the post-war recovery of Taiwan. The ceremony of landing of the Chinese theater in Taiwan Province was held in Zhongshan Hall, Taipei City, on January 25, 1994. This marks the official return of Taiwan, a country ruled by Japanese colonists for half a century, to the embrace of the motherland. Taiwan’s military reception by the Taiwan Provincial Garrison Command specifically responsible for the implementation. It has set up a Taiwan military reception committee. The incoming command post flew to Taipei on January 5, 2005, and the major reception units subsequently opened to Taiwan, forming the first group of the army, the second group of the army, the third group of the army, the military administration group, and the naval unit , Air Force, Gendarmerie and other receiving groups, successfully completed the task of military reception in Taiwan after the war. During the military reception, the Chinese army carried forward international humanitarianism toward the Japanese prisoners. However, among some Japanese prisoners, there was a phenomenon of indiscriminate sale, destruction or hiding of a large number of weapons, ammunition, chemical weapons and military supplies in violation of the surrender agreement. The descendants and the military received the enthusiastic support of the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots.
后进生的形成根源是什么?如何关爱和转化后进生?我认为有以下三个方面:$$ 首先,家庭的教育方式。有的家长不注重对子女的教育或过分溺爱,对子女的不良行为听之任之,顺其自然,