Cockfighting Craze Lives on in Colombian Villages

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文章真精彩!它把我们带到了南美洲西北部的哥伦比亚,在那里观赏了一次斗鸡竞赛。文章可读,原因有四: 描写精致:The referee rings a bell and the two angry birds erplode into thering,colliding(碰撞;抵触)recklessly(鲁莽地;不顾一切地)and exchangingmidair(半空中)kicks with the curved,razor-sharp spikes fastened to their legs。(三个动词可以玩味:explode/collide/exchange) 历史回顾:The stranger,said Don Pedro,tied his mule to a tree,and withoutsaying a word to the wide-eyed locals,challenged the foreman(领班;工头)of theUnited Fruit Company to a cockfight。 科学分析:The roosters fight for the hen。They can live together in peace but ifyou release a hen not a single one of them will remain alive。 冷静观察:At the pit,class divisions melt。Workers pit their roosters againstthose of landowners,greeting each other with handshakes before the fight。】 The article is wonderful! It took us to Colombia in northwestern South America where we watched a cockfighting competition. The article is readable for four reasons: the description is elegant: The referee rings a bell and the two angry birds erplode into the ring, colliding (collision; conflict) recklessly (recklessly; desperately) and exchanging midair (kicks) with the curved Razor-sharp spikes fastened to their legs. (Three verbs can be interesting: explode/collide/exchange) Historical Review: The stranger, said Don Pedro, tied his mule to a tree, and withoutsaying a word to the wide-eyed locals, chanelenged the foreman (foreman; foreman) of theUnited Fruit Company to a cockfight. Scientific analysis: The roosters fight for the hen. They can live together in peace but ifyou release a hen not a single one of them will remain alive. Calmly observe: At the pit, class divisions melt. Workers pit their roosters againstthose of landowners, greeting each other with handshakes before the fight. 】
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