
来源 :语文学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:king_hxr
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今年高考的语文试题继承了往年的一些好的做法,同时在某些方面又作了些新的尝试。今年语文试题有以下几个特点。一采用有限制的命题作文方式,同时又为开拓考生思路作了些安排有限制的命题作文是介于缩写、改写、扩写和命题作文之间的一种写作方式。这种方式既保证作文有一定的限制、范围,有助于考生围绕某个中心来写作,又能使考生发挥自己的写作才能,充分表达自己的思想感情。这种方式减少了押题命中的概率,从而有助于考核学生的真实水平。由于作文有一定的限制,也便于统一评分标准,不至于在评卷时产生过大的误差。去年作文要求写一篇读后感, This year’s examination questions in the college entrance examination have inherited some good practices from previous years, and at the same time made some new attempts in some aspects. This year’s language test questions have the following characteristics. One way to use a limited composition of propositional writing, and at the same time, to make arrangements for the exploration of candidates’ ideas, there are restrictions on the proposition composition is a writing method between the abbreviation, rewriting, extension and propositional writing. This method not only ensures that the composition has certain limitations and scope, but also helps candidates to write around a certain center. It also enables candidates to develop their writing skills and fully express their thoughts and feelings. This method reduces the probability of hitting the arguing, which helps to assess the student’s true level. Because the composition has certain limits, it is also convenient to unify the scoring criteria, so as not to produce excessive errors in the evaluation. Last year, the composition required a post-reading experience.
20 0 3年 8月 2 9日贝壳 ,是大海的雕刻 ,是浪涛的礼物。宁静的海湾 ,金色的沙滩 ,踏出一串拾贝的脚印 ,波浪扑上来 ,轻轻的把它抹平了。惊涛骇浪拥抱着礁石 ,浪花水沫亲吻着
4月 7日 星期五 晴校园中的海棠花开的此起彼伏。在春天柔软而跳跃的阳光里明亮的招摇着。当枝头上一簇一簇沉郁的暗红色花苞恍惚间幻化成枝头上饱满而厚重的浅粉色花朵的
20 0 3年 3月 2 1日 星期五春、夏、秋、冬都是日记伴随着我。我的心每天都和太阳一起上升 ,以一个美好、欢愉的心灵去对待这一天 ,去写这一天。我从来都不愿让烦恼之事占据