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通过高压釜热压模拟实验的方法,对低成熟度泥晶灰岩的连续生烃与二次生烃过程进行了对比研究,探讨了海相烃源岩的二次生烃机理.热模拟实验中,海相烃源岩二次生烃过程与一次生烃并不连续一致,表现出与连续生烃不同的特征:(ⅰ)二次生烃中存在液态烃生烃高峰,且液态烃生烃高峰的出现与起始成熟度密切相关;(ⅱ)烃源岩二次生烃过程起步更快,在成熟度未发生显著变化时就有烃类的生成;(ⅲ)两次不连续累计生烃量始终大于连续生烃量,两次不连续生烃过程不同,累计生烃量也不相同.复杂生烃史条件下,对烃源岩不连续生烃过程的描述不仅需要考虑平行反应机制,还应当考虑可能存在的顺序反应机制. Through the autoclave hot-pressing simulation experiment, the continuous hydrocarbon generation and the secondary hydrocarbon generation process of low maturity limestone are compared, and the secondary hydrocarbon generation mechanism of the marine source rock is discussed.The thermal simulation experiment The secondary hydrocarbon generation of marine and marine source rocks is not consistent with primary hydrocarbon generation and shows characteristics different from those of continuous hydrocarbon generation: (i) the peak of generation of liquid hydrocarbons in secondary hydrocarbon generation and the occurrence of liquid hydrocarbon generation The occurrence of peak hydrocarbon is closely related to the initial maturity; (ii) the secondary hydrocarbon generation of hydrocarbon source rock starts faster and there is generation of hydrocarbons without significant changes in maturity; (iii) Two non-cumulative The amount of hydrocarbon generation is always greater than that of continuous hydrocarbon generation, the two different hydrocarbon generation processes are different, and the cumulative amount of hydrocarbon generation is also different.During the complicated hydrocarbon generation history, the description of discontinuous hydrocarbon generation process not only needs to consider the parallel reaction Mechanism, but also should consider the possible sequence reaction mechanism.
1.环状沟施法。在树冠外围挖一条30~60cm宽、15~45cm深的环形沟,然后将表土与基肥混合施入。此法适于幼龄果树园。 2.放射状沟施法。在距树干1m远的地方,挖6~8条放射状沟,沟宽30
春季到,天气暖,嫁接换头莫迟缓。 石硫合剂花前喷,能杀菌来能防寒。 施肥灌水松树盘,夏剪疏花记心间。 夏季到,天气热,施肥中耕要疏果。 防治桃小和叶螨,抓住五至七月间。 摘