
来源 :中风与神经疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smartdudu
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我院自1989年以来用江浙蝮蛇抗栓酶(沈阳第一制药厂生产)治疗脑血栓等疾病两千余人次,其中发现复视12例,现报告如下。临床资料本组共12例,男8例,女4例,年龄37~64岁。其中脑血栓8例,冠心病3例,糖尿病合并高血压冠心病1例。均用江浙蝮蛇抗栓梅0.5单位加入生理盐水500ml中(或加入低分子右旋糖酐500ml)每日一次静点,用药前做皮试,均系首次用药。开始用药的3~5天出现复视,都伴有视物模糊,其中伴有头晕和头痛8例(均除外脑血管病所致的头痛),停药后1~3天症状消失。例1.患者,男,56岁,因晨起后右侧肢体活动不灵两天入院,无头晕头痛。查体Bp20/12kPa,右侧中 Our hospital since 1989 with Jiangsu and Zhejiang Viper antithrombotic enzyme (Shenyang first pharmaceutical production) treatment of cerebral thrombosis and other diseases more than two thousand people, of which 12 cases of diplopia found, are as follows. Clinical data of this group a total of 12 cases, 8 males and 4 females, aged 37 to 64 years. Including cerebral thrombosis in 8 cases, 3 cases of coronary heart disease, diabetes and hypertension in 1 case of coronary heart disease. Both Jiangsu and Zhejiang viper snake plum 0.5 unit added 500ml of saline (or add low molecular weight dextran 500ml) once daily static point, before taking the skin test, are the first drug. 3 to 5 days after starting diplopia, all accompanied by blurred vision, which accompanied by dizziness and headache in 8 cases (except for headache caused by cerebrovascular disease), 1 to 3 days after withdrawal symptoms disappear. Example 1. The patient, male, 56 years old, was admitted to hospital on the right hand side of the body due to incapacitation during the morning and had no dizziness and headache. Physical examination Bp20 / 12kPa, the right side
数学思想,就是对数学的知识内容和所使用的方法的本质认识,它是对某些具体数学认识过程的提炼和概括,数学思想的研究可以培养学生思维的 Mathematical thinking is the esse
Objective: To study the relationship between Chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae) infection and asthma exacerbation. Methods: A prospective study of C. pneumoni
我发觉很多中国父母都活在一种左右摇摆的矛盾心态中,既希望自己的孩子将来能成为大富翁,却又似乎害怕孩子过早地沉迷于金钱。 I find that many Chinese parents are livin
我院自 1994 - 0 1~ 2 0 0 0 - 0 7将酚妥拉明与东莨菪碱联用治疗咯血病人 6 2例 ,疗效显著 ,现报如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料 本组病人男 32例 ,女 30例 ,年龄在 2 8~ 70