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举办内地新疆中职班,是党中央、国务院着眼新疆经济社会发展和稳定的重大战略决策,是实现当前“一带一路”战略目标的重要举措。对进入内地中职或高职学校学习的新疆学生进行汉语教学是各内地学校面临的一个崭新的教学领域。本文以实际教学为基础,客观分析内地新疆中职班汉语教学现状,结合新疆班学生的特点,提出能够提高汉语水平的教学方式与方法。举办内地新疆中职班(简称内职班),是党中央、国务院着眼新疆经济社会发展和稳定的重大战略决策,是实现当前 The holding of secondary vocational schools in Xinjiang on the Mainland is an important strategic decision for the Central Party Committee and the State Council to focus on the economic and social development and stability in Xinjiang and is an important measure for realizing the strategic goal of “the Belt and Road”. Chinese teaching to Xinjiang students entering the vocational secondary schools or vocational schools in the Mainland is a brand-new teaching field that the mainland schools face. Based on the actual teaching, this paper objectively analyzes the current situation of Chinese teaching in secondary vocational schools in Xinjiang and puts forward some teaching methods and methods that can improve the Chinese proficiency. The holding of the secondary vocational classes in Xinjiang (referred to as the in-service classes) of the Mainland is a major strategic decision for the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to focus on the economic and social development and stability in Xinjiang.
在生存的夹缝里,保持着自己对精神对自由的追求。像一个双面人一样活着,也可以说是超越了平庸吧。 In the survival of the cracks, to maintain their spiritual pursuit o
本文复习了1976~1989年接受治疗的30例小儿中枢神经系统(CNS)结核的临床特点,并对临床和实验室检查,包括头颅CT对CNS结核早期诊断的可能性作了评价。 30例患儿的年龄为6~65月
新生儿尿糖与静滴10%葡萄糖液的关系:87例报告对87例住院新生儿进行临床观察与尿糖检验。其中男47例,女40例;日龄7天以内25例,7~28天62例;体重小于2500g 19例,2500~3400g68例;
由于年轻不懂事,由于对金钱的渴求,我们差点儿一步走错。酿成终身之祸。 Because young and naive, due to the thirst for money, we are almost one step wrong. Lead to
在社会的磨砺中,曾经年少轻狂的顽石少女已变成了一块滑溜溜的鹅卵石,柔顺圆滑。 1996年,我中专毕业。等待分配的日子里,焦急而又渴望。就业形势非常严峻,中专生在人才市场