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自从国土经济学这门新学科提出后,得到各有关方面的同志的重视,并组织力量认真地开展研究工作。现仅就林业在国土利用中的经济问题谈些粗浅的看法,不对之处,请批评指正。一、林业是国土利用研究的重要题课国土是一个国家生存的条件,也是物质和能的源泉。在我们拥有近十亿人口的国家里,研究如何利用国土问题确属重要。森林依赖国土而生长,林业与人类休戚相关,因此,研究林业在国土利用中的经济问题,或者是说林业在国土利用中的地位和作用,是研究国土利用中的一个重要问题。 Since the new discipline of land economics has been put forward, it has gained the attention of all the comrades concerned and has taken the lead in organizing research efforts earnestly. Now just on the forestry in the land use of the economic problems to talk about some superficial views, wrong, please comment on criticism. First, forestry is an important topic of land use research Homeland is a country’s conditions for survival, but also the source of material and energy. In countries where we have nearly one billion people, it is important to study how to make use of the issue of land. Therefore, the study of the economic problems of forestry in land utilization or the status and role of forestry in the utilization of land is an important issue for studying the utilization of land.
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省府批示: 江西省季源縣璋理鄉、安徽省休寧縣大連鄉調處山場糾紛委員會處理該兩鄉羣衆山場纠紛的方法和經驗較好,特在政報發表,以供各地参考。八月八日 The provincial gov