Synchronous Output Control System of Two Megawatt Hot Cathode Bucket Ion Sources for NBI

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Synchronous output of one beam line’s two megawatt hot cathode bucket ion sources is required when Neutral Beam Injector(NBI) works on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST).Neutral Beam Injector Control System(NBICS) realizes synchronous output and asynchronous output of two ion sources with network communication and hardware triggers.And the synchronous time can be set by operator.In synchronous mode,two megawatt hot cathode bucket ion sources can produce neutral beams at any relative time with higher energy than two sources’ asynchronous output.Two megawatt hot cathode bucket ion sources’ synchronous output makes an important contribution to NBI system of 4-8 MW with 10-100 s pulse length and provides more and better parameters for EAST physical experiments. Synchronous output of one beam line’s two megawatt hot cathode bucket ion sources is required when Neutral Beam Injector (NBI) works on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). Neutral Beam Injector Control System (NBICS) realizes synchronous output and two-output sources with network communication and hardware triggers. And the synchronous time can be set by operator.In synchronous mode, two megawatt hot cathode bucket ion sources can produce neutral beams at any relative time with higher energy than two sources’. asynchronous output. Two megawatt hot cathode bucket ion sources’ synchronous output makes an important contribution to NBI system of 4-8 MW with 10-100 s pulse length and provide more and better parameters for EAST physical experiments.
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【Nuclear Street News网站2015年6月2日报道】俄罗斯原子能集团公司(Rosatom)总经理基里延科近日在2015年俄罗斯国际核工展上宣布,俄将于2015年秋启动伊朗布什尔核电厂二期(