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Gate-to-Gate是空中交通管理的未来趋势之一,研究了Gate-to-Gate模式下的航班到达问题,对航班到达的空中降落与地面滑行进行综合调度,建立了地空综合调度的简化数学模型,实现了航班到达从区调阶段到航站楼的关键点路径规划和时间安排,并对北京终端区及首都机场地面滑行过程进行了算例分析。针对实际应用规模大、求解时间长的问题,利用模型的特殊性制定了先松弛后固定分支求解的两步法求解算法,实现了在5分钟内能求得相对误差小于5.3%的近优解。 Gate-to-Gate is one of the future trends of air traffic management. It studies the problem of flight arrival in Gate-to-Gate mode, comprehensively dispatches airborne landings and surface gliders arriving at flights, and simplifies the comprehensive land-space scheduling Mathematical model to achieve the arrival of flights from the transfer phase to the terminal key points of the path planning and scheduling, and terminal area in Beijing and Beijing Capital Airport ground taxiing process are analyzed. Aimed at the problem of large scale and long solution time, a two-step algorithm to solve the problem of fixed branch after relaxation first is established by using the particularity of the model. The near-optimal solution with relative error less than 5.3% can be obtained within 5 minutes .
The situation in Mainland China, Undergroundsystems in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou andHongkong: There are two groups of underground sys-tems in mainl
遵义县工商局有在职干部145人,设有14个工商所。2004年4月国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》提出:“健全行政执法案卷评查制度”。同年10月贵 Zunyi Industrial and Comme
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在中国古代,有一种独特的文化景观,即名山胜水间,常有崇楼高阁耸立,让文人雅士登临之,咏怀之,于是,名家名作与名胜名楼交相辉映,千百年传颂不绝。  其中,最具代表性的,就是誉称“中国江南三大名樓”的滕王阁、黄鹤楼与岳阳楼。王勃、崔颢、范仲淹等唐宋大家的诗文,星汉灿烂,照亮了祖国的大好河山和亿万子孙的心灵。  在福建的闽江流域,也有一座名楼,堪与上述三楼相媲美。它原名延平阁,耸立于闽江上游两大支流的双
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