Mining Data Correlation from Multi-Faceted Sensor Data in Internet of Things

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Sensors are ubiquitous in the Intet of Things for measuring and collecting data.Analyzing these data derived from sensors is an essential task and can reveal useful latent information besides the data.Since the Intemet of Things contains many sorts of sensors,the measurement data collected by these sensors are muhi-type data,sometimes containing temporal series information.If we separately deal with different sorts of data,we will miss useful information.This paper proposes a method to discover the correlation in multi-faceted data,which contains many types of data with temporal information,and our method can simultaneously deal with multi-faceted data.We transform high-dimensional multi-faceted data into lower-dimensional data which is set as multivariate Gaussian Graphical Models,then mine the correlation in multi-faceted data by discover the structure of the multivariate Gaussian Graphical Models.With a real data set,we verifies our method,and the experiment demonstrates that the method we propose can correctlyfind out the correlation among multi-faceted measurement data.
As a representative of the devclopment and application of informmion and communication technol ogy (ICT).the Intet of Things (IoT) has attracted world attention
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