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西周末葉一直到漢初,自周初建立起來的禮樂文明逐漸崩壞,其間約七百餘年,國家社稷爲何没有全面瓦解?其後漢武帝提倡儒術,終使往後二千餘年的歷史持續受到禮樂文明的影響,成爲中華文化的特色。此一歷史過程,值得探討。本文臚舉十六項西周末葉至春秋末年禮壞樂崩的事實,然後陳述當時明君、賢大夫以及儒者如何堅持理念及禮典,同時如何體察世變做出抉擇,展現正面的力量,因而使得國家社稷不致迅速土崩魚爛,進而説明反映上述理念的古禮書的性質與價值之所在。結論是:《儀禮》、《禮記》爲典範,而《春秋》及三《傳》爲正負面之教材,這使得漢武帝提倡儒術有所依據,中華之禮樂文明成爲可能。討論古代文化,捨此諸書,無法有所褒貶,而這是孔子及其後學的主要貢獻。 During the Western Zhou Dynasty, until the early Han Dynasty, the ritual and civilized civilization established since the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty gradually collapsed. During the period of about 700 years, why did not the state have completely disintegrated? Then the Han Emperor Wu advocated Confucianism and eventually continued the history of more than two thousand years in the future Affected by the ritual and civilized culture, it has become the characteristic of Chinese culture. This historical process is worth exploring. This article cites the fact that during the late Western Zhou Dynasty and the end of the Spring and Autumn Annals of the Great Leap Forward, the article states how Ming emperor, Xian doctor and Confucianist insisted on philosophy and ceremony at the time, and at the same time how to find a positive choice when demonstrating the world, Making the country not quickly fall apart fish boat, and then explain the ancient philosophy of the book reflects the nature and value of the place. The conclusion is: “Ceremony”, “Book of Rites” as a model, and “Spring and Autumn Period” and “Three Biography” as a positive and negative textbooks, which makes Han Wudi promotion of Confucianism based on the Chinese ritual and civilizations possible. Discuss the ancient culture, homes for these books, can not be mixed, and this is the main contribution of Confucius and its later studies.
目的 对口腔医学技术本科培养模式满意度进行调查,以满足社会对口腔医学技术专业人才的需求,提高专业人才就业稳定性。方法 对我院2014和2015级口腔医学技术专业本科生进行培
目的:探讨三维增强MR血管造影(3D CE-MRA)技术。方法:应用3D快速扰动梯度回波(FSPGR)序列,对25例临床疑血管疾病患者行增强MRA检查,三维重建采用最大密度投影(MIP)、多平面重建(MPR)和客