Effects ofLow Light onAgronomic and Physiological Characteristicsof RiceIncludingGrain Yield and Qua

来源 :水稻科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodetiantian3321
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Light intensity is one of the most important environmental factorsthat determinethe basic characteristics ofrice development. However, continuouslycloudyweatheror rainfall, especiallyduring thegrain-filling stage,inducesasignificantlossin yieldandresultsinpoor grainquality.Stress caused by lowlightoftencreatessevere meteorological disastersinsomerice-growing regionsworldwide.This reviewwas basedon our previousresearchandrelated researchregardingthe effectsoflowlightonrice growth, yield and qualityas well asthe formation of grain, andmainlyreviewedthephysiological metabolism of rice plants, includingcharacteristics ofphotosynthesis, activities of antioxidant enzymes in riceleaves and key enzymes involved in starch synthesis in grains,as well asthetranslocationsof carbohydrate and nitrogen. Thesecharacteristics includevariousgrain yieldand rice qualitycomponents (millingandappearanceas well ascooking, eatingand nutritional qualities) underdifferentrates of shading imposedatthevegetative or reproductive stagesof rice plants. Furthermore, we discussedwhy grain yield and qualityare reducedunderthelowlightenvironment. Next, wesummarizedthe need for future researchthat emphasizesmethods caneffectively improverice grain yield and quality underlow light stress.These research findings can provideabeneficial reference forricecultivation management and breedingprograminlowlightenvironments.
目的 应用心境障碍问卷(MDQ)对诊断为抑郁障碍的精神专科住院患者进行双相障碍的筛查,评估MDQ的应用价值.方法 应用MDQ对48例抑郁障碍住院患者进行评定,以美国精神障碍诊断与
用问卷调查的方法,调查深圳市宝安区开展老年保健工作的110个社区健康服务中心及相关领导人员、管理人员和工作人员对老年保健工作的评价.结果 表明,虽然建立健康档案工作做
A study of combining ability for improving rice cooking quality was carried out via genotype plus genotype × environment (GGE) biplot. Four restorer lines and
An experiment was conducted in three fallow paddy fields situated on the mid-tropical plain zone of a northeastern Indian state (Tripura) to provide rice fallow