迎中国入世,创服务品牌——访上海东浩国际服务贸易(集团) 有限公司董事长黄耀文

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本世纪的初春,记者慕名拜访了全国外经贸系统首家国际服务贸易集团的掌舵人、上海东浩国际服务贸易(集团)有限公司(以下简称东浩集团)董事长黄耀文先生。 这家成立于三年前,外经贸部决定把国际服务贸易的试点放在上海、上海外经贸委实行大集团战略背景下的企业集团,1998年被列入上海市政府重点扶植的54家大型企业集团。三年来励精图治,2000年年营业额达56.7亿元,比1997年增长96%,其中进出口额增长55%,服务贸易额增长54%。 一个多小时的访谈,黄先生侃侃而谈。说起“东浩”,如数家珍,从三年前的组建集团、三年来的发展、乃至新三年的宏伟蓝图。 以下是记者辑录读者共同关心的话题部分。 In the early spring of this century, reporters paid a visit to Mr. Huang Yaowen, the head of the first international trade and service group of the country’s foreign trade system, and the chairman of Shanghai Tung Ho International Service Trade (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “East Ho Group”). This was founded three years ago, the MOFTEC decided to put the pilot of international service trade on Shanghai and the Shanghai Foreign Economic and Trade Commission to implement the corporate group under the strategy of the large group. In 1998, it was listed in 54 large-scale Enterprise Group. In the past three years, the company has made great efforts in its management. In 2000, the turnover reached 5.67 billion yuan, an increase of 96% over 1997, of which the import and export volume increased by 55% and the service trade volume increased by 54%. More than an hour of interviews, Mr. Huang talked about. Talking about the grand blueprint of “Dong Ho”, as a household name, from the group formation three years ago, the development in the past three years and even in the new three years. The following is a common topic of concern to journalists and editors.
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