建章立制 规范管理——肇庆市端州区睦岗镇加强农村财务管理的做法

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睦岗镇位于肇庆市城区西部,辖10个管理区和一个街道办事处,82个村委会。改革开放以来,农村管理区、村两级集体经济不断发展壮大。但因财务管理制度不够完善,监督措施不力,造成非生产性开支连年增长,盲目性投资时有发生,集体资金被长期拖欠,有的基层干部以权谋私,贪污挪用公款等,造成干群关系紧张,影响安定团结和农村集体经济健康、稳步发展。因此,管好、用好农村两级集体经济,是广大农民关注的社会热点和迫切愿望。 1996年下半年,端州区委按照省、市委关于依法治省和依法治市的部署,及时地作出了《关于依法洽区工作的决定》,并把睦岗镇定为依法治区的试点。在区依法治 Mu Gang Town Zhaoqing City is located in the western city, administer 10 management areas and a sub-district offices, 82 village committees. Since the reform and opening up, the rural management area and the village collective economy have been continuously developing and expanding. However, due to inadequate financial management system and poor supervision and control measures, non-productive spending has been increasing year by year. Blind investment has occurred from time to time, collective funds have been arrears for a long time, some grassroots cadres have used their power for personal gains, embezzle embezzlement, Affect stability and unity and rural collective economy is healthy and steady development. Therefore, taking good care of and making good use of the collective economy at the two levels of the rural areas is a hot topic and an urgent aspiration of the majority of peasants. In the second half of 1996, Duanzhou District Party Committee made a timely decision on the decision to work in accordance with the law in accordance with the provincial and municipal decisions on the province’s rule of law and the city’s rule of law, and decided to set it as the pilot for governing the area according to law. In the district by law
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