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在我们农村中学,一般情况而言,过去认为是副课的一些科目,如历史、地理、生物之类的学科,学生往往是不太喜欢学习的,这种状况过去如此,现在还是如此,没有什么根本的改变。有的人会以为过去升学考试不考这类学科,在应试教育的影响下,学生自然就觉得没有学习的必要,就会把之当作一种额外的负担,就不足为奇了。 In our rural middle schools, in general, some subjects that in the past were considered as associate classes, such as history, geography, biology and other subjects, students often do not like to learn, this situation in the past, still the case, there is no What fundamental change. Some people may think that in the past, entrance exams did not take such subjects and under the influence of exam-oriented education, it is not surprising that students would naturally consider it unnecessary to learn and would regard them as an additional burden.
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