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中共山西省委在九月十日至十六日召开全省扩大干部会议,动员与布置了全省增产节约运动。参加会议的有全省县委书记、县长、厂矿党委书记、厂长以上党员干部五百余人。省委第一书记陶鲁笳作了省委关于全省增产节约方案的报告。会议经过充分讨论后,决定全省各方面财经工作除保证完成今年国家计划外,增产节约两万亿元,其中有七千亿元可直接作为国家财政收入。会议在讨论过程中,所有到会干部一致感觉到突出地解决了若干重要的思想问题:一、会议着重指出当前国内外的政治斗争形势与增产节约运动的联系,批判了某些干部以为「朝鲜停战万事大吉」、「增产节约还不是那一套」等麻痺松懈思想,使到会干部明确认识了增产节约对继续深入抗美援朝、稳定市场、巩固国防和保证国家重点建设的重大意义,从而树立了把增产节约任务与当前政治斗争任务紧密结合的观念;二、会议还全面地讨论了国家财经工作情况,批判了某些干部只看见本省丰收、本单位情况的局部观点和分散主义,正确地认识了增产节约的紧迫性和严重意义,树立了国家整体观念和紧急的时间观念;三、会议还发掘了在财政经济各方面存在着的巨大潜力, CPC Shanxi Provincial Party Committee held the province to expand the cadre meeting from September 10 to 16, mobilizing and arranging the province’s campaign to increase output and conserve economy. Attending the meeting are the county party secretary, county magistrate, factory party secretary, director of more than 500 party members and cadres. The first secretary of the provincial party committee Tao Lu made a provincial party committee report on the province’s plan to increase production and save energy. After full discussion, the meeting decided that in addition to ensuring the completion of this year’s national plan, the financial and economic work in all aspects of the province will yield a saving of two trillion yuan, of which 700 billion yuan will be directly available to the state as revenue. During the discussion, all participating cadres unanimously felt that they have resolutely resolved a number of important ideological issues. First, the conference focused on the links between the current political struggle at home and abroad and the campaign to increase output and save and criticized some cadres for thinking that “North Korea Letting cadres know clearly the significance of boosting production and saving to continue to deepen the anti-America and DPRK aids, stabilize the market, consolidate national defense and ensure the state’s key construction, thus setting the standard of ” Second, the conference also comprehensively discussed the state of financial work, criticized some cadres only to see the harvest of this province, the local situation and decentralization of the unit, to correctly understand the The urgency and significance of increasing production and saving, establishing the concept of a nation as a whole and an urgent concept of time; thirdly, the meeting also uncovered tremendous potential in all aspects of the financial economy,
你署一九六一年一月十二日民字第003号关于请示天长县成立湖滨乡间题的报告悉。为了适应人民公社化和渔业生产发展的需要,同意天长县设置湖滨乡建制。 Your report dated J
我来自汶川,经历了那场震惊世界的5·12大地震。那时我就是那里的一名老师,我也是一名四个月大的宝宝的母亲。在那里我们经历了生与死的较量,同时也让我深深地感受到了作为一名教师从来没有过的骄傲与自豪!  汶川本来是一个依山傍水的美丽小县城。那里的山带着杂乱的群峰躺在天边;岷江从城中缓缓地流向远方。而我所从教的学校就坐落在群峰脚下,岷江岸边。全校八百余名学生全是土生土长的藏羌孩子,由于大多居住在高半山,
1994年 12月~ 1999年 12月 ,我院应用纤维内窥镜诊治上消化道异物 46例 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组 46例 ,男 34例 ,女 12例 ,年龄 16~ 82岁 ,平均年龄 49
同学们,快乐的暑假到了,让我们一起到数学夏令营玩一玩吧,那里有许多关卡等着我们挑战呢!  第一关:我会填空  1. 今年共有( )天,有( )个星期零( )天。  2. 早晨,面对太阳时,你的右面是( )方,你的后面是( )方。  3. 在24时计时法中,早上7时是( )时;在12时计时法中,18时是( )时。  4. □59÷7,如果商是三位数,□里最小可以填( ),如果商是两位数,□里最大可以
结核病人的发现水平和治疗管理质量与归口管理的实施有密切关系。为此 ,我们通过建立奖惩机制 ,促进结核病归口管理的实施进行了一些尝试和探索。一、卫生主管部门的重视与支