Computing Depth-averaged Flows Using Boundary-fitted Coordinates and Staggered Grids

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A depth averaged nonlinear k ε model for turbulent flows in complex geometries has been developed in a boundary fitted coordinate system. The SIMPLEC procedure is used to develop an economical discrete method for staggered grids to analyze flows in a 90° bend. This paper describes how to change a program in rectangular coordinate into a boundary fitted coordinate. The results compare well with experimental data for flow in a meandering channel showing the efficiency of the model and the discrete method. A depth averaged nonlinear k ε model for turbulent flows in complex geometries has been developed in a boundary fitted coordinate system. The SIMPLEC procedure is used to develop an economical discrete method for staggered grids to analyze flows in a 90 ° bend. to change a program in rectangular coordinate into a boundary fitted coordinate. The results compare well with experimental data for flow in a meandering channel showing the efficiency of the model and the discrete method.
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