机器人(Robot)一词的出现,迄今不过70年。1920年捷克斯洛伐克剧作家凯莱·恰培克创作了剧本《R.U.R.》(Rossoum Universa Robot,即《罗莎姆万能机器人》),第二年在布拉格国民剧场首次演出,获得好评,立即闻名于世。机器人这个词也因此由捷克语
The emergence of the word “Robot” is as yet as 70 years. In 1920, the playwright Gouache Chapek of Czechoslovakian created the script “RUR” (Rossoum Universa Robot), the second year at the National Theater in Prague for the first time, was well received and immediately known . The word robot is also in Czech