
来源 :石油勘探与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lipengru
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复合油气系统是同一区域内多个油气系统的复合与叠加 ,其范围内的不同油气系统一般不是独立的 ,储集层和盖层往往是共有的 ,所形成的油气藏为多油源混合的结果。准噶尔盆地发育包括 16个油气系统的 4个复合油气系统 ,一般具有多套烃源岩 ,具有多生烃期以及油气多源多期混合成藏的特点 ,同一复合油气系统内多个油气系统的连续性和继承性演化是油气富集的重要因素。玛湖—盆 1井西复合油气系统包括佳木河组油气系统、风城组油气系统和下乌尔禾组油气系统 ;昌吉复合油气系统由侏罗系油气系统和中二叠统油气系统组成 ;东道海子—大井复合油气系统由石炭系油气系统和二叠系平地泉组油气系统组成。这 3个复合油气系统含油气丰度高 ,应是目前准噶尔盆地油气勘探的重点 ,应坚持富油气系统内继承性正向构造单元及其斜坡区勘探 ,并应加强侏罗系的勘探力度。图 5参 2 The complex hydrocarbon system is the compound and superimposition of multiple hydrocarbon systems in the same area. The different hydrocarbon systems in the area are generally not independent, and the reservoirs and cap rocks are often shared. The resulting reservoirs are mixed with multiple oil sources result. In the Junggar Basin, four composite petroleum systems including 16 hydrocarbon systems are developed. They generally have multiple sets of source rocks with multiple hydrocarbon generation periods and multi-source mixed gas and oil accumulation. In the same composite hydrocarbon system, multiple hydrocarbon systems Continuity and succession evolution are important factors for hydrocarbon enrichment. The Mahu-Bas 1 well west composite petroleum system includes the Jiamuhe Formation oil-gas system, the Fengcheng Formation oil-gas system and the Xiawuerhe Formation petroleum system; the Changji composite petroleum system consists of the Jurassic hydrocarbon system and the Middle Permian hydrocarbon system ; Dongdaohaizi-Dajing composite petroleum system is composed of Carboniferous hydrocarbon system and Permian Pingdiquan formation hydrocarbon system. The high oil and gas abundance of these three composite petroleum systems should be the focus of oil and gas exploration in the Junggar Basin at present. Therefore, it is necessary to insist on the exploration of the inherited positive tectonic units and their slope areas within the oil and gas system, and should strengthen the exploration of Jurassic. Figure 5 reference 2
《道德经》是道教最高经典,又称《老子五千言》,由春秋时期思想家、道家创始人老子所著。主要论述了“道”和“德”的含义,强调“自然无为”、“长生久视”等内容,道 “Tao