我校初中语文组自七八年秋开始“适当扩大读写量,不断加强思维训练,着重语文能力培养”的教改实验,至今已近九年,先后完成了两轮,第三轮今夏结束,第四、五轮正在同步进行。许多兄弟学校对我们的“五种课型”极为关注。现简介于下,以就教于各地同行。 (一)讲读课,也称“导读课”。这种课型主要是针对单元教学内容,经过统筹安排,突出个性知识,重点体现一个“导”字。对不同的文章,不同的体裁,不同的写法,导之以不同的学习方法。教师讲课做到:因材(教材)施教,因才(学生)施教,教法篇篇有
The junior high school language group of our school has been teaching reforms for “enhancing the number of reading and writing appropriately and continuously strengthening the training of thinking, focusing on the cultivation of language skills” since the autumn of 1978. It has been nearly nine years since, and it has completed two rounds. The third round has ended this summer. Four or five rounds are going on simultaneously. Many brother schools are extremely concerned about our “five course types”. It is introduced in the next section, so that it can be taught in various places. (1) Reading classes, also known as “reading lessons.” This type of class is mainly aimed at unit teaching content. After the overall arrangement, it highlights the knowledge of individuality and embodies a “guide” character. Different articles, different genres, and different writing styles lead to different ways of learning. The lectures of teachers are: teaching in accordance with the materials (teaching materials), due to the (students) teaching, and teaching methods.