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一、核心1.党在社会主义初级阶段基本路线的核心。2.我国人民民主的核心。3.我国人口政策的核心。二、根本任务1.社会主义的根本任务。2.社会主义精神文明建设的根本任务。3.宪法序言规定我国现阶段的根本任务。三、关系1.两个基本点之间的关系。2.民主与专政的关系。3.物质文明和精神文明的关系。4.控制人口数量和提高人口素质的关系。四、性质1.我国改革的性质。2.家庭联产承包责任制的性质。3.我国的国家性质。五、制度1.我国乡村集体经济的一项基本制度。2.我国的根本制度。3.我国的根本政治制度4.我国的思想文化制度。 I. Core 1. The core of the Party’s basic line in the primary stage of socialism. 2. The core of our people’s democracy. 3. The core of China’s population policy. Second, the basic task 1. The fundamental task of socialism. 2. The fundamental task of building socialist spiritual civilization. 3. The preamble of the Constitution stipulates the basic tasks of our country at this stage. Third, the relationship 1. The relationship between the two basic points. 2. The relationship between democracy and dictatorship. 3. The relationship between material civilization and spiritual civilization. 4. Control the relationship between the population and the quality of the population. IV. Nature 1. The nature of our reform. 2. The nature of household contract responsibility system for joint production. 3. The national nature of our country. V. Institutions 1. A basic system of rural collective economy in China. 2. The basic system of our country. 3. China’s fundamental political system 4. China’s ideological and cultural system.
本刊讯 2001年6月6日至6月10日,由四川省档案局、四川档案杂志社主办的全国部分省市档案期刊工作研讨会在四川成都召开,全国15家国家、省(市)级档案杂志社的主管局长、总编、编辑
如图所示,电源电压U=24伏特且保持不变,R_0=30欧姆,变阻器R的阻值范围为0~90欧姆,安培计量程0~0.6安培,伏特计量程为0~15伏特,求变阻器R允许的取值范围。 As shown, the power
July 20th 1969 was an important day.Two Americans landed on the moon.Their names wereArmstrong(阿姆斯特朗)and Aldrin(俄尔德林).They went in a spaceship.Its nam