
来源 :中国勘察设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Aegean1218
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中国勘察设计协会工程勘察分会三届一次常务理事会于3月25日在深圳闭幕。本次会议开幕时深圳市建委有关领导出席了会议并对会议召开表示欢迎和祝贺;建设部设计管理司沃瑞芳副司长在会上向大家通报了设计司九七年度工作安排;秘书长林宗元同志作了上届工作总结和下步工作建议的发言;吴奕良理事长作了总结报告。会上有上海岩土工程勘察设计研究院、深圳市勘察研究院、西北综合勘察设计研究院等十几个设计院的代表作了交流发言;会议选举了中国勘察设计协会工程勘察分会第三届领导班子。 The first session of the third session of the Standing Committee of the China Survey and Design Association Engineering Survey Branch was closed on March 25th in Shenzhen. At the opening of the meeting, relevant leaders of the Shenzhen Construction Committee attended the meeting and welcomed and congratulated the meeting; Deputy Director Wu Ruifang of the Department of Design Management of the Ministry of Construction briefed the guests on the work arrangements for the Department of Design in 1997; Comrade Lin Zongyuan made a speech on the summary of the last work and suggestions for the next step; Chairman Wu Yanliang made a summary report. At the meeting, representatives from more than a dozen design institutes such as the Shanghai Institute of Geotechnical Engineering Investigation and Design, the Shenzhen Investigation and Research Institute, and the Northwest Institute of Integrated Investigation, Design and Research made presentations; the meeting elected the third leader of the China Survey and Design Association’s Engineering Investigation Branch. Team.
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