
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RIshan
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海安县位于我省东部,属江海平原,全县分河东盐垦、河南高沙土、河北里下河等三个自然区。河北里下河区总面积62万多亩,农业人口32万多人,该区圩堤700公里,大小河流纵横密布,地貌复杂,有较大的绿化潜力,在我县绿化造林工作中有着举足轻重的地位。为了合理开发利用里下河地区的土地资源和林业资源,笔者于1985年9月对该区墩头乡的四旁绿化作了一次抽样调查,现将结果报告如下: 灯头乡位于海安县西北部,地处里下河地区,东靠仇湖,南接烈土,西倚双溪,北邻瓦甸,处于仇湖行政区中心,全乡总面积33,781.7亩,其中耕地面积21,243亩,现有9个行政村,5021户农户,农业人口18,239人。 Hai’an County is located in the eastern part of our province and belongs to the Jianghai Plain. The whole county is divided into three natural areas, namely Hedong Salt Cultivation, Henan High Sandy Soil and Hebei Lixiahe River. Lixiahe District of Hebei has a total area of ​​more than 620,000 mu and an agricultural population of over 320,000. There are 700 km of levees in this area. The rivers are large and small, with complex landscapes and great potential for afforestation. They play a decisive role in afforestation in our county Position. In order to rationally develop and utilize the land resources and forestry resources in the Lixiahe area, the author conducted a sample survey on the greening on four sides of the headtown in September 1985. The results are reported as follows: Dengtou Township is located in the northwest of Hai’an County, Is located in the Lixiahe area, east of the enemy lake, south of the strong earth, West reliance Shuangxi, north of Wadian, in the center of Qiuhu District, the township, a total area of ​​33,781.7 acres, of which 21,243 acres of arable land, the existing 9 Administrative village, 5021 households, agricultural population 18,239 people.
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