来今雨轩饭庄建于1915年,座落在北京中山公园西侧。立体建筑具有浓郁的古典色彩,庭院内花草环绕,假山、小桥、喷泉、瀑布相映成趣。沿叠翠廊拾阶而上,凭栏远眺,苍松翠柏,风景优雅。 “来今雨轩”当年的匾额是民国总统徐世昌所书。新的匾额为中国佛协主席赵朴初先生所书。它的命名包括下面一段典故:唐朝诗人杜甫在京城长安闲居时,曾受到唐玄宗的赏识。这时,一
Yu Xuan Restaurant now built in 1915, is located in the west of Beijing Zhongshan Park. Three-dimensional buildings with rich classical colors, surrounded by flowers in the courtyard, rockeries, bridges, fountains, waterfalls side by side. Stacked along the Jade Gallery stairs, overlooking the fence, pines and cypresses, scenic elegance. “Now Yuxuan” when the plaque was written by the President of the Republic of China Xu Shichang. The new plaque for the Chinese Buddhist Association Chairman Zhao Puchu books. Its nomenclature includes the following allusion: Du Fu, a Tang Dynasty poet, was rewarded by Emperor Xuanzong when he was home in the capital Chang’an. At this moment, one