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  Family Night
  在美国,大多数的家庭整天都是忙忙碌碌。父母忙于工作,孩子们忙于学习和其他活动。有的家庭甚至一个星期都难得在一起吃一顿饭。为了全家能在一起吃上一顿饭,便出现了Family Night。 什么叫Family Night呢?读读下文你就明白了。
  Many American families live busy lives. Every week,the children have sports,music lessons,club meetings,and many other activities,including(包括) hours of homework. The parents are busy,too. They work,take care of their homes,cook meals,and drive their children to activities. Some families even seldom have time to eat meals together more than once a week. One American community(社区) decided that it was time to take a break.
  After seven months of planning,the community of Ridgewood,New Jersey,took one night off. They called it “Family Night”,a night for families to spend time together. Sports teams stopped their practice,and teachers did not let children do homework.
  On Family Night,families agreed to turn off their televisions. They also decided not to answer the telephone. Answering machines said,“Please call back tomorrow.” Many families ordered take-out pizza and other take-out food so that they wouldn’t spend time cooking.
  Popular activities included board games and card games. These games gave families a chance to spend time together. Children and parents weren’t so busy,and children didn’t spend so much time playing video games and watching television. On Family Night,families relaxed and spent the evening together. The town hopes to have many more “Family Nights”.
  1. Many American families are too busy.
  2. Children have many other activities besides homework.
  3. It took one night for Ridgewood to plan the special “Family Night”.
  4. Parents cooked a big dinner for the whole family on “Family Night”.
  5. More “Family Nights” are expected by the people in the town.
  1. T。 短文第一段中的“Many American families live busy lives”和“Some families do not have time to eat together more than once a week”告诉我们,很多美国家庭都很忙碌。故此题是正确的。
  2. T。 根据句子“Every week,the children have meetings,and many other activities,including hours of homework”,我们可以判断题中的说法是正确的。
  3. F。 由第2段中的“After seven months of planning,the community Of Ridgewood,New Jersey,took one night off. They called it “Family Night”,我们可知筹划Family Night社区共花了七个月的时间,而不仅仅是一个晚上。故此题的说法是错误的。
  4. F。 从第3段中的“Many families ordered take-out pizza and other take-out food so that they wouldn’t spend time cooking”我们可知,为了节约时间,在Family Night当晚,大多数家庭都是订外卖当晚餐,而父母们并没有下厨,故此题与短文内容不一致。
  5. T。 短文最后一句“The town hopes to have many more ‘Family Nights’”告诉我们,人们希望有更多的Family Nights,故题中所说的内容是正确的。
  Moons of Jupiter
  There are many moons of Jupiter travaling around the planet in different directions(方向).
  Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Over the years,scientists have found that Jupiter has its own small solar system. Earth has one moon. Jupiter has at least sixteen and probably more.
  Since there are so many moons around Jupiter,scientists began to number them. The numerals (numbers) tell the sequence,or the order,in which the moons were found. They were slower to name the moons. All of Jupiter’s moons now have a name as well as a number.
  The first five moons to be discovered are known as the “inner moons”. But they are not the closest to the planet. The closest is only 127,600 kilometers away from Jupiter. All the inner moons circle the planet in counter-clockwise direction,that is,opposite of the hands of a clock.
  Jupiter’s middle group of moons are at least 11,100,000 kilometers from the planet. They also move in a counter-clockwise motion (moving). The four farthest moons are at least 20,700,000 kilometers away. These are called “outer moons”. They circle in a clockwise motion.
  How many more moons do you think will be discovered?
  1. “Solar system” in this passage means “______” in Chinese.
  A. 银河系 B. 宇宙空间 C. 流星雨 D. 太阳系
  2. Things that travel in the same direction as the hands of a clock are said to be traveling in a______.
  A. clockwise direction B. counter-clockwise direction
  C. same direction D. different direction
  3. Jupiter’s______group of moons travel in a clockwise direction.
  A. planets B. inner C. middle D. outer
  4. The numbers given to Jupiter’s moons tell______.
  A. the order in which they were discovered
  B. the order in which they travel
  C. the order of their distance from Jupiter
  D. the order of names
  5. According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?
  A. None of Jupiter’s moons have names.
  B. Most of Jupiter’s moons circle clockwise.
  C. Jupiter’s inner moons were discovered first.
  D. Jupiter is the nearest planet to the earth.
  1. D。 文章说,Jupiter(木星)是最大的行星,地球只有一个卫星(月亮),而木星至少有16个卫星,甚至会更多。由此可见,solar system即为太阳系,因为木星同地球一样,都是太阳系的八大行星之一。
  2. A。 clockwise direction意为“顺时针方向”。文中对counter-clockwise direction的解释是opposite of the hands of a clock,意为“逆时针方向”。
  3. D。 最远的四个月亮称为outer moons,它们都是朝顺时针方向运转。
  4. A。 由文中的“The numerals (numbers) tell the sequence,or order,in which the moons were found.”,我们可知答案为A。
  5. C。 读完全文,我们知道A、B两项不符合短文大意。根据常识判断,D项也不正确。再由环绕木星运转的月亮团是以发现时间的先后为序,由此推理,我们可得出the inner moons were discovered first。 故答案为C。
  How to Improve Your English
  Suppose you work in a big company and find English very important for your job. Now you are looking for a place where you can improve your English,especially your spoken English.
  Here are some advertisements about English language training in newspapers. You may find the information you need.
  Global English Center
  General English in all four skills:listening,speaking,reading and writing
  3-month (700 yuan),8-month (1,200 yuan) and one-year (2,000 yuan)
  Choice of morning or evening classes,3 hours per day,Mon.~Fri.
  Experienced(有经验的) college English teachers
  Close to city center and bus stops
  Add:105 Zhongshan Road,100082
  Modern Language School
  Special course(课程) in English for business,travel,banking,hotel management.
  Small classes (12-16 students) on Sat. & Sun. from 2:00 p.m.~5:00 p.m.
  English teachers from Canada and the USA
  Language lab and computers supplied
  3-month course:1,050 yuan;6-month course:1 ,850 yuan
  Write or phone:Modern Language School,675 Park Road,100056
  The 21st Century English Training Center
  We offer morning or afternoon classes,both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.
  We also have a six-week TOEFL(托福) preparation class during winter and summer holidays.
  Entrance exams:June 1 and Dec. 1
  Only 15-minute walk from city center
  Call 67801642 for more information.
  The International House of English
  Three/Six-month English courses for students at very low cost:60 yuan for 12 hours per week;convenient(方便的) class hours:9:00 a.m.~12:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.~5:00 p.m.
  A four-month evening program for developing speaking skills (same cost as day classes).
  Best foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second foreign language.
  Free sightseeing and social activities.
  Very close to the Central Park.
  For further information,call 67432308.
  1. You work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day you should choose______.
  A. Global English Center and the International House
  B. Global English Center and Modern Language School
  C. Modern Language School and the 21st Century
  D. The 21st Century and the International House
  2. The 21st Century is different from the other three schools in that______.
  A. its teaching quality is better
  B. it is the nearest to the city center
  C. its courses are more advanced
  D. it requires an entrance examination
  3. If you take the evening program at the International House,you will pay about______one month.
  A. 60 yuan B. 240 yuan C. 720 yuan D. 1,000 yuan
  4. You will probably prefer to go to the International House because it______.
  A. offers free sightseeing and social activities
  B. has a special course in spoken English
  C. costs less than the other schools
  D. has foreign English teachers
  1. A。 既然每天从上午9:00工作至下午4:30,连周末都要工作,那你就只能选择晚上上课的学校了。而在这四所学校中,只有Global English Center和The International House设有晚间课程。由此,我们不难判断正确答案是A项。
  2. D。 21世纪英语培训中心与众不同的是需要经过Entrance exams(入学考试),这一点在其他三所学校的广告中均未谈及;而其他如“教学质量好……离市中心近”等,在另外三所学校的广告中也可以看到。因此正确答案为D。
  3. B。 广告中说:每周12小时需要60元,那么一个月四周就要240元。故正确答案为B。
  4. B。 你喜欢去International House的原因可以从广告前言和广告本身中得知。前言中说“你现在正在找地方提高英语,特别是口语”,而The International House的广告中说“提供四个月的口语训练课程”,因此,只有a special course in spoken English才是最吸引你的,而不是“观光、社会活动或价格便宜”。另外,选项D与广告实际内容不符。故B为正确答案。
  Intelligence Game
  Three women——A,B and C,two men——D and E,and four children——F,G,H and I are going to join in a game. They have a total of nine seats for the game,but the seats are in three different parts of the place;they have a group of three seats next to one another in each part. For the game,the nine people must be divided into three groups in agreement with the following conditions:
  No adults(成年人) of the same sex(性别) can be together in any group.
  F cannot be in A’s groups.
  G must be in a group with B or D or both.
  1. If A is the only adult in one group,the other members of her group must be______.
  A. F and G B. F and H C. G and H D. H and I
  2. If A and D are two of the three people in the first group,who can be in the second and third groups?
  A. B,C,F;E,H,I B. B,F,I;C,E,G
  C. B,G,H;C,F,I D. C,E,F;B,H,I
  3. Which of the following pairs of people can be in the same group as F?
  A. A and H B. B and D C. B and E D. D and E
  4. Which of the following can be TRUE?
  A. One of the women is in a group with two children.
  B. One of the two men is in a group with F.
  C. A is in a group with a man.
  D. C’s group includes exactly one child.
  5. Any of the following pairs of people could be in G‘s group except______.
  A. A and D B. B and C C. B and D D. B and F
  1. D。 因为F不能与A在同一个组,故可排除A,B两项,又因G必须与B或D在同一个组,所以又可排除C项,故正确答案是D。
  2. D。 因为B,C是同性别而不能在同一个组,故可排除A项;因G必须与B或D在同一个组,可排除B项;因D和E不能在同一个组,又可排除C项。故正确答案为D。
  3. C。 由于A不能与F在同一个组,可排除A项;当B,D同时出现在一个组时,另一个人必须是G,所以可排除B项;又因D和E不能出现在同一个组中,所以可排除D项。这样,正确答案是C。
  4. A。 因A是一位女性成年人,她不能与男性成年人同处一个组,故C项是错误的,D项也是同样的道理。那么正确答案只有A项了。
  5. B。 大多数同学在做题时由于没有注意到except这个词的意义而误选了答案,except意为“除……以外”,B和C同为女性成年人,不能与G在同一个组。所以正确答案是B。
The study was aimed at investigating the phytochemicals,antioxidant and antibacterial activities of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Aloe elegans leaves
【摘 要】恩格斯曾把人类的生活分为生存、发展和享受三个部分。认为一个人的生活目的决不是为了生存。随着物质文明的发展,人们在紧张劳动后应该得到高尚趣味的精神上的享受。国外称文体娱乐为消遣,意即消磨和发遣时光。文体娱乐是人们生活方式中很重要的一个方面。积极组织职工开展富有教育意义的文化娱乐活动,经常开展有益健康的棋类、球类活动,通过各类娱乐活动,激发职工热爱集体、团结协助、奋发拼搏的新型职工队伍。文体
Congenital malformations are intrinsic structural abnormalities and variations of organs,tissue and/or body systems that can occur during the embryonic developm