
来源 :病虫测报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragon122
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80年代以来,我国的农业病虫抗药性问题日趋严重,已引起各级政府的关注.1990年,山东、河北、河南、安徽、江苏、湖北、湖南、陕西、四川、宁辽等省对棉蚜、棉铃虫、棉红蜘蛛、稻飞虱等4种主要害虫进行了抗药性监测,共测定了敌杀死、速灭杀丁、来福灵、功夫、灭扫利、氧化乐果、灭多威、久效磷、叶蝉散、速灭威、甲胺磷等11种农药品种。根据抗药性划分的一般标准,将抗药性水平分为高抗(抗性倍数大于40倍)、中抗(抗性倍数在10~40倍之间)和低抗(抗性倍数小于10倍)。现将1990年各地对棉花和水稻害虫抗药性监测结果介绍如下: Since the 1980s, the problem of agricultural pest and disease resistance in our country has become increasingly serious, which has aroused the concern of all levels of government. In 1990, Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Ningliao provinces Aphids, cotton bollworm, cotton spider mites, rice planthoppers and other four kinds of major pests were tested for drug resistance, a total of measured the enemy killed, speed kill Ding, Lai Fu Ling, kung fu, destroy sweater, omethoate, Dorway, monocrotophos, leaf cicada scattered, speed off Viagra, methamidophos and other 11 kinds of pesticides. According to the general standard of resistance division, the resistance levels were divided into high resistance (resistance multiple more than 40 times), medium resistance (resistance multiple between 10 ~ 40 times) and low resistance (resistance multiple less than 10 times) . The results of monitoring drug resistance to cotton and rice pests in various parts of 1990 are as follows:
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目的分析益气解毒祛瘀方联合内分泌治疗晚期前列腺癌的临床效果。方法 98例晚期前列腺癌患者,随机分为对照组(44例)和观察组(54例)。对照组行内分泌治疗,观察组在其基础上行
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