加强森林资源管理 消除森林赤字

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森林是陆地生态系统的主体,是人类赖以生存的重要条件,这在我们云南尤其如此。云南是个美丽可爱的地方,它的美丽可爱集中表现在优越的自然环境与融于其中的24种(人口在四千人以上)少数民族的风土人情。人们常说:“山有多高,林有多高,水也有多高”,村寨就在其间,完整地体现了森林与人类的关系。但是由于种种原因,长期以来我省不仅造林速度缓慢,保存率较低,更为突出的是现有森林资源的管理与保护工作十分薄弱,森林资源的消耗量大于生长量,资源赤字有增无减。据1963—1974年的全省森林消耗量调查和生长量计算资料,我省平均每年资源赤字达1200万立方米。近期,按64个县的森林资源消耗量调查和统计材料进行分析、计算,我省平均每年森林蓄积总消耗量 Forests are the mainstay of terrestrial ecosystems and an important condition for humankind to survive, especially in Yunnan. Yunnan is a beautiful and lovely place, its beautiful and lovely concentrated in superior natural environment and blend into the 24 kinds of (more than 4,000 people) ethnic customs. People often say: “how high the mountain, how high the forest, how high the water is,” while the village is a complete example of the relationship between forests and humans. However, due to various reasons, the rate of afforestation in our province has been slow and the preservation rate has been low for a long time. What is more prominent is that the management and protection of existing forest resources are very weak. The consumption of forest resources is greater than the growth and the deficit of natural resources increases. Less. According to the statistics of the province’s forest consumption survey and growth volume from 1963 to 1974, the province’s average annual energy deficit reached 12 million cubic meters. Recently, according to 64 counties of forest resources consumption survey and statistical analysis of materials, calculate, the province’s average annual total forest reserve consumption
Whether we live in a rich or disadvantagedcountry,the flame will unite us all.—Jacques RoggeInternational Olympic Committee president Every’four years,the en
春天清新静谧的早晨,伦敦的街道上挂着一些鸟儿。我倾听了它们那动人的歌声。这首诗就这样产生了。 Fresh and quiet morning in spring, some birds hang on the streets o