解放思想 加快发展 阔步走向二十一世纪

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党的十一届三中全会以后,特别是“八五”期间,我们在邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论的指导下,坚持党的基本路线,坚持以经济建设为中心,以改革为动力,以稳定为基础,以发展为目标,解放思想,实事求是,制定了符合我州实际的指导思想、基本思路和发展战略,州党委、州政府带领全州各族人民开拓进取,保持了国民经济持续、快速、健康的发展和社会的全面进步。回顾我州改革和发展的历程,我们主要抓了以下四个方面的工作。 一、解放思想,更新观念,明确思路,制定政策。西双版纳地处边疆,民族众多,山区面积大,是以农业为主的自治州,由于交通不便,历史上长期与内地隔绝,特定的自然环境和历史原因,加之我国长期实行的计划经济体制,形成了只求温饱,不求发展,自给自足的小农经济观念,约束了广大干部群众的思维方式和工作方法。在我州的建设历史上,曾经有过四次加快发展的机遇,第一次是西双版纳全境解放和自治州的成立,在中国共产党的领导下,全州实行民主改革,各族人民从不同的社会形态共同走上了社会主义道路,西双版纳发生了 Under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, following the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), especially during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, we adhered to the party’s basic line and adhered to economic construction as the center and reform as the driving force , And based on stability and development, emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts, formulated the guiding ideology, basic train of thought and development strategy in line with our actual state. The state party committees and state governments led the people of all ethnic groups throughout the state to forge ahead and maintained the national economy Sustained, rapid and healthy development and all-round social progress. Review the history of the reform and development in our state, we mainly focus on the following four aspects of work. First, emancipate the mind, update concepts, clear ideas, formulate policies. Xishuangbanna is located in the border, many ethnic groups, large mountainous areas, mainly agricultural autonomous prefectures, due to traffic inconvenience, long history and isolated from the Mainland, the specific natural environment and historical reasons, combined with China’s long-standing implementation of the planned economy, formed The concept of small-scale peasant farming, which is based on subsistence, development and self-sufficiency, has restricted the way of thinking and working methods of the cadres and masses. In our history, there have been four opportunities for speeding up development. The first was the founding of the Liberation and Autonomous Prefecture throughout Xishuangbanna. Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the state implemented democratic reforms with different people Social patterns took the socialist road together, Xishuangbanna took place
大红(那)公鸡毛腿(啦)腿,不想(那)妹妹再想(老命)谁?上一道坡坡过一道梁,见不上小妹妹我好心(呀哪))慌。不想妹妹再想谁@府谷 Red (that) cock legs (legs), do not want (t
AIM: To isolate and identify the soybean conglycinin peptides that selectively stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria in vitro, and to investigate the effect o