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南方网讯:“十一”黄金周,很多在校大学生都是成双结对地出去旅游,可是在住宿方面,很多学生就遇上了难题。济南市某高校的小罗说:“这个假期想跟女朋友出去玩,可是两个人在异地他乡,如果住宾馆的话,毕竟不是夫妻关系,有不方便的地方。但是考虑到如果插间(就是素不相识的两个同性合住一间房)的话就更不方便了,因为那样的话我们就得各自跟陌生人住在一个屋子里面,整天提心吊胆的,哪里还是度假呀。所以我们还是想住在一起,包一个房间。但是这样一来问题就出现了:我们这样做可以吗?” Southern Network News: “Golden Week”, a lot of college students are twinned to go out to travel, but accommodation, many students encountered a problem. Ronaldinho of a university in Jinan City, said: “This holiday want to go out to play with his girlfriend, but two people in different places, if you live in a hotel, then, after all, not a couple, there are inconvenient places .But if the insert if It’s even more inconvenient to have two same-sex couples living in one room, because then we have to live in a room with strangers in each and every day, where we are still on vacation, so we would still like Live together and pack a room, but the question then arises: can we do this? ”
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我国《未成年人保护法》第二条规定,未成年人是指未满十八周岁的公民。未成年人除享有一般主体享有的大多数权利外,国家还通过立法赋予他们许多特殊的权利: 1.刑事豁免权。