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血管周细胞瘤,又称血管外皮细胞瘤,是较为少见的软组织肿瘤,它可发生在身体的任何部位,无明显性别及年龄差异,现将我科收治的1例鼻腔鼻窦血管周细胞瘤报告如下。1临床资料患者,男,81岁,主因“右侧鼻堵2年余,进行性加重2周”入院。患者入院前2年起感觉右鼻间断堵塞,无鼻出血及涕 Pericyular neoplasia, also known as hemangiopericytoma, is a relatively rare soft tissue tumor, which can occur in any part of the body, no significant gender and age differences, now our department received a report of 1 cases of nasal sinus pericytes as follows. 1 Clinical data Patients, male, 81 years old, mainly due to “right nasal block more than 2 years, progressive increase of 2 weeks” admission. 2 years before admission, the patient felt blocked right nasal intermittent, no nose bleeding and tears
Aluminum alloy profile parts are widely used in the fields of aviation, equipment, automobile and ornamental industries. The construction method for 'zero d
医务人员晋升问题一直是医改面临的一个重要难题。两会期间,多位医药卫生界的政协委员建议改进医务人员晋升制度,只有推动医务人员的工作积极性,才能更完善地推进医药卫生体制改革。  全国政协委员、解放军总医院副院长范利在接受《中国经济周刊》采访时表示,医生是医改大军中的主力军,把这些人的积极性调动起来,积极参加医改才能取得效果。此外,很多医务工作者在晋升问题上面临困境。  比如现在医生考评制度要求既重视临
Solid contaminants in lubrication system will cause severe wear of sliding components. In order to improve the wear resistance of the material in oil containing
The reduction mechanism of stainless steelmaking dust and carbon pellets was investigated. The metal oxides present in the dust were reduced by carbon with a ne