所谓夸大,笔者以为,一般不外乎两种:一是显性夸大;一是隐性夸大。显性夸大显而易见;隐性夸大不易识别。 显性夸大。一般指那些直接反映在字面上、报纸上的夸大。这种夸大是比较容易察觉的。一般情况下,这种显性夸大有4种情况:其一,数字的显性扩大。如写正面报道时,要表扬一个工厂,实际这个工厂上半年完成利税50万元,新闻却写成60万元;写反面报道时,本来一个工厂损失10万元,却夸大为12万元。其二,场面的显性夸大。写正面报道时,本来一个不怎么样的歌舞会,却写成了轰动全城,并在新闻里写有赞声不绝于耳,掌声似五雷轰顶等等;写反面时,本来发生一起不怎么严重的哄抢果园事件,却渲染为全村男女老幼,推车担担、倾巢而动、一抢而光。其三,典型的显性夸大。写正面时,本来一个模范人物也就是9分好,却夸大为10分好、20分好;
The so-called exaggerated, I think, generally nothing more than two: one is dominant exaggerated; one implicit exaggeration. Explicit overtly obvious; implicit exaggeration difficult to identify. Explicit exaggeration. Generally refers to those directly reflected in the literal, newspaper exaggerated. This exaggeration is relatively easy to detect. Under normal circumstances, there are 4 kinds of situations that this kind of explicit exaggeration: First, the number dominates expands. Write a positive report, to praise a factory, the actual first half of the factory to complete the profits and taxes 500,000 yuan, the news has been written 600,000 yuan; write negative reports, a factory had lost 100,000 yuan, but exaggerated to 12 million. Second, the scene of the dominant exaggeration. Write a positive report, would have a not very good song and dance, but has written a sensation throughout the city, and in the news there are endless praise, thunderous like thunderstruck and so on; write negative, had less serious looting Orchard Incident, but it is rendered as the village of men, women and children, cart bear, pour nest move, a robbery. Third, the typical dominant exaggeration. Write positive, the original model is a good person that is 9 points, but exaggerated to 10 points, 20 points good;