
来源 :中国原子能科学研究院年报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsy0718
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离子源在电磁同位素分离器中扮演重要角色,其性能直接决定了同位素的产能和品质。离子源具有放电室和引出电极。引出电极里的聚焦电极将束流引出并聚焦,决定了束流的品质。在工作中,聚焦电极被高压电源负偏置,高压电源的电流一般较小以确保长时间稳定工作。实际操作发现,离子源在一定的工作参数下,聚焦电源的电流偏大。经过分析,该现象很有可能是表面电离 Ion source plays an important role in the electromagnetic isotope separator, its performance directly determines the isotope productivity and quality. The ion source has a discharge chamber and an extraction electrode. The focusing electrode in the extraction electrode leads and focuses the beam, which determines the quality of the beam. In operation, the focusing electrode is negatively biased by a high-voltage power supply and the current of the high-voltage power supply is generally small to ensure stable operation over a long period of time. The actual operation found that the ion source in a certain operating parameters, focus on the power supply current is too large. After analysis, the phenomenon is likely to be surface ionization
弗朗克·科因(Frank Kowing)和古埃及的著名工匠贾斯珀·约翰斯(Jasper Johns)及布赖斯·马丁(Brice Marden)(均为公元4世纪时埃圾法尤姆省的希腊人)一样,是一位选用鲜为人
2014 was the third running year that to treat the radioactive liquid waste in the temporary storage.The main task was cement solidification and evaporation trea
1/200 scale simulated disposal experimental device(Fig.1)was set up in 2013,in which underground water penetrated host rock,buffer materials,container materials
栏目·题目作者·期·页..理论探论 西方现代形式主义美术史学研究·················································