最近采访时听到一则消息:某煤矿为严格安全管理,对矿级干部规定了一条铁纪律:不准酒后上班。矿长陪酒后不准再上班处理政务,当天按休班论处。副矿级干部一律不准酒后上班,中午绝对不准喝酒。如有违反,就地免职并取消当日奖金,下浮一级工资。一年多来,全矿未发生安全事故,“三违”现象也降到最低点。 听到这则消息,不禁拍案为之叫好!它好就好在对领导干部“铁面无私”、不搞特殊。对矿级干部如此“照
In a recent interview heard a message: a coal mine for strict safety management, mine-level cadres set an iron discipline: not drunk to work. The manager was not allowed to go to work after the accompaniment of government affairs, the same day off-duty discussion. Deputy mine-level cadres are not allowed to drink to work, absolutely not allowed to drink at noon. In case of any violation, the local dismissal shall be canceled and the bonus on the same day shall be canceled and the first-level salary shall be lowered. In the past year or so, no accidents occurred in the entire mine and the “three offenses” also dropped to the lowest point. Hear this news, can not help but call it a good applause! It is good to leading cadres “disgrace”, not special. So mine-level cadres, "according to