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《政府采购运行规程暂行规定》第十八条规定:“集中采购机关应当按照政府采购计划确定的采购范围和方式组织采购活动。(一)实行招标采购方式的,应当按照《招标投标法》和《政府采购管理暂行办法》等有关法律、规章规定的程序及要求,编制标书、刊登公告或发投标邀请、接收投标、组织开标、评标和定标,并按规定向同级财政部门提交采购合同等有关备案文件。”招标人发出招标邀请后,需要根据有关法律、法规、规章制度的规定,继续履行接受投标人的投标,组织开标和评标,确定中标人,刊登中标公告,谈判,签订采购合同,履行采购合同等政府采购程序。 Article 18 of the Interim Provisions on the Operational Procedures of Government Procurement stipulates: “The centralized procurement authority shall organize the procurement activities according to the scope and manner of procurement as determined by the government procurement plan.” (1) Where the mode of bidding and purchasing is practiced, it shall, in accordance with the Bidding Law “Interim Measures for the Administration of Government Procurement” and other relevant laws and regulations of the procedures and requirements, the preparation of tender, published a notice or invitation to bid, receive the tender, organize the opening, bid evaluation and calibration, and according to the provisions of the financial departments at the same level to submit procurement Contracts and other relevant filing documents. "After the bid inviting invitation, the tenderee needs to continue to accept the bidding of the bidders, organize the bid opening and bid evaluation according to relevant laws, regulations and rules and regulations, determine the winning bidder, publish the announcement of winning the bid, negotiate, Signed procurement contracts, fulfill procurement contracts and other government procurement procedures.
细胞色素P45 0 (cytochromeP45 0 )是主要的肝细胞Ⅰ相代谢酶之一 ,其亚家族细胞色素P45 0 2E1(CYP2E1)在外来化学物的代谢活化中起重要作用 ,CYP2E1活性的高低与毒物对机体
睾丸间质细胞 (Leydigcells,LC)的发生与成熟过程都和细胞凋亡相关 ,一定范围内的凋亡对机体具有积极的生理意义 ,但过度凋亡会使睾酮 (T)分泌明显减少 ,导致生精细胞凋亡增
目的研究中药白龙解郁颗粒对震后灾民创伤后应激障碍(post traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)的治疗作用。方法对诊断为PTSD阳性患者给予中药白龙解郁颗粒免煎剂口服,运用治疗
中医药制剂研究开发是新药创新的重中之重,要加速新药研发;要建设一批国际一流的研发平台;对新药研发要给予政策扶持。 Research and development of traditional Chinese m