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儿童单纯性肥胖症易发展为成人高血压,高血脂及心血管疾患。近年来发病离遂年增加,引起儿科临床和儿保工作关注。为了解本地区儿童肥胖症发病情况,开展综合性防治措施。于1992年5月下旬本6月中旬将本地区7~12岁学龄儿童进行单纯性肥胖症流行病调查。 1 对象和方法 1.1 以本区(甘泉地段)7所小学、5所中学作为调查单位,全部7~12岁儿童作为调查对象。总调查人数7534名,男性3956,女性3578名。 1.2 按世界卫生组织推荐的身高计算体重值的标准及参照《实用儿科学》1985年第四版肥胖病诊断标准。以体重超过标准体重20%为肥胖,排除病理性及药物所致肥胖,肥胖程 Simple obesity in children is easy to develop adult hypertension, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease. In recent years, the incidence of disease increased year after year, causing pediatric clinical and child care work concerns. In order to understand the incidence of obesity in children in this area, carry out comprehensive prevention and treatment measures. In late May 1992 in mid-June this year, 7 to 12-year-old school-age children in the region for simple obesity epidemiology survey. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 This district (Ganquan lot) 7 primary schools, 5 secondary schools as the investigation unit, all 7 to 12-year-old children as the survey. The total number of survey 7534, 3956 males, 3578 females. 1.2 according to the World Health Organization to calculate the height of body weight standards and refer to “Practical Pediatrics,” 1985 fourth edition of obesity diagnostic criteria. To overweight 20% of body weight as obesity, excluding pathology and drug-induced obesity