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针对受到扰动的变机翼后掠角近空间飞行器,研究一类基于多模型切换的多输入多输出非线性系统的模糊自适应鲁棒控制器的设计问题.通过构造公共Lyapunov函数设计系统的控制器,采用动态面控制方法避免了控制器设计中的计算膨胀问题,利用自适应模糊系统和鲁棒控制项在线消除系统中的未知干扰影响.仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性. Aiming at the perturbed aircraft wing sweep angle near space vehicle, the design of a class of fuzzy adaptive robust controller based on multi-model switching multi-input and multi-output nonlinear system is studied. By designing the common Lyapunov function to design the system control The dynamic surface control method is used to avoid the computational expansion problem in the controller design. The adaptive fuzzy system and the robust control term are used to eliminate the unknown interference in the system online. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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The Solar Impulse aircraft,which is powered only by solar energy,has triumphantlycompleted its first night flight.Bayer MaterialScience is supporting the Swiss
品牌大事记2004年昂达正式进军MP3行业,MP3/MP4市场迎来新霸主2005年昂达VX505、VX707开创国内MP3音质革命,两款机型是MP3历史中经典机型 Brand memorabilia 2004 Ang da of
2005年4月25日,国务院批复交通部,同意自2005年起,每年7月11日为“航海日”,同时也作为“世界海事日”在我国的实施日期。 On April 25, 2005, the State Council approved