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林琪是这个城市一家医院儿科医生,她丈夫李文成是市里另外一家医院的外科医生。李文成在医院将近20年,始终一天工作12个小时以上,林琪一肩挑起家事、儿子的教养责任,还有忙碌的医生工作,而且他们的儿子还是个需要特别花心思照顾的亚斯儿。虽然,林琪在医院里给同事聊天时,信手拈来都是笑话,但幽默背后,不敢想像里头堆叠了多少挫 Lin Qi is a pediatrician at a hospital in the city, and her husband, Li Wencheng, is a surgeon at another hospital in the city. Li Wencheng in the hospital for nearly 20 years, has been working more than 12 hours a day, Lin Qi one shoulder to stir up family affairs, son’s upbringing responsibility, there are busy doctor’s work, and their son is a need to take special care to take care of Asner . Although, Lin Qi in the hospital to chat to colleagues, come in all jokes, but behind the humor, how much can not imagine how many stacked inside
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第 8届全国催化学术报告会 (8th CNCC)于1996年 10月 16~ 2 0日在福建省厦门市厦门大学召开。特邀参加会议的有国际著名的表面和催化专家 M. Che教授、 Tamaru教授、 Iwasawe
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The band structures of Group IVB (Ti,Zr,Hf),VB (V,Nb,Ta) and VIB (Cr,Mo,W) transition metals and some of their carbides and nitrides (TiN,ZrN,HfN,VC,NbC,TaC,VN
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