轻型车国Ⅴ二次征求意见 专家:轻型车国Ⅴ短期难实施

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多地近日严重的雾霾天气为即将到来的春节添加了一抹不和谐的色彩,空气污染的防范和治理已刻不容缓。在此背景下,环境保护部于日前发布《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第五阶段)》(二次征求意见稿),就轻型车国Ⅴ标准向全社会第二次公开征求意见。《商用汽车新闻》记者为此采访了天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室副主任姚春德,探讨意见稿的制定、行业技术及产品现状、实施难度和实施时间等轻型车升级国Ⅴ的关键问题。增加颗粒物粒子数量控制二次征求意见稿最大、也 In recent days, severe haze weather has added a touch of discord to the upcoming Spring Festival. The prevention and treatment of air pollution have become urgent. In this context, the MEP recently released the “Limits and Measurement Methods of Emission of Pollutants for Light Vehicles (Fifth Phase in China)” (the second exposure draft), disclosing to the public the second public solicit opinions. Commercial Press, for example, interviewed Yao Chunde, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Internal Combustion Engines at Tianjin University, to discuss key issues such as the formulation of the draft, the technology and product status of the industry, the difficulty of implementation and the implementation time of such vehicles. Increase the number of particles control the amount of particles twice the maximum draft, also
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