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同事张姐一早打电话来,约我中午去阅微吃饭。透过听筒,能想象出电话另一端她那一脸溢于言表的喜悦。是啊,养兵千日用兵一时,一直让她操心的儿子终于争气地考上了理想的大学,天下还有什么能比孩子“金榜题名”更能振奋父母的心的呢?听说参加这次聚会的还有几位同事家的小孩,我连忙打开书橱,准备给每位小朋友选一本合适的书。脑子里迅速回放着几个孩子的年龄、性别和爱好,很快就挑出了四本:《凝视——郝颉宇作品集》(郝颉宇著.河北美术出版社,2013.11)、《张韶 Zhang sister colleague called early in the morning, about noon to read micro-meals. Through the handset, can imagine the other side of the phone her face is overjoyed. Yes ah, keep soldiers thousand soldiers for a while, has been worried about her son finally admitted to the ideal university, what better than the child “gold list title ” more exciting parents heart? I heard that There were several children from my colleague’s house at this party, and I quickly opened the bookcase to prepare a suitable book for each of my children. Quickly replaying the age, sex and hobbies of several children in my mind, I quickly picked out four books: “Gaze - Works by Hao Jieyu” (Hao Jieyu, Hebei Fine Art Publishing House, 2013.11), Zhang Shao
Obesity is a worldwide epidemic.Promoting browning of white adipose tissue (WAT) contributes to increased energy expenditure and hence counteracts obesity.Here
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1978—1984年研究结果表明,小绿叶蝉 Empoasca flavescens(Fabricius)在浙江茶区一般有明显的两个虫口高峰。第一虫口高峰趋势与当地上年12月至当年3月间日平均气温在0℃及0
Sustained release and non-parental formulations of peptides and protein drugs are highly desirable because of enhanced therapeutic effects as well as improved p
The drug metabolism is a biochemical process on modification of pharmaceutical substances through specialized enzymatic systems. Changes in the expression of dr