真抓实干 加快走向市场

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为了学习、贯彻党的十四大会议精神,江苏省地矿局根据省委提出的要求,并结合地矿工作的特点进行了新的部署,一是抓队、处级干部和党员学习,换脑筋,进一步解放思想;二是真抓实干,加速结构调整,加快地勘单位走向市场的步伐;三是研究确定今后的奋斗目标和工作思路,加快地矿经济发展步伐,使省地矿工作上一个新的台阶.为此去年10月下旬召开了由局党组主持的队长、书记十四大文件学习研究会,进一步统一思想,把十四大精神落到实处. In order to study and implement the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the Party, the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Minerals has made new deployments according to the requirements put forward by the Provincial Party Committee and combined with the characteristics of the local mining industry. The first is to learn from the cadres and party members at the team, department level, and exchange. Brains, further emancipating the mind; Second, really work hard, speed up structural adjustment, and accelerate the pace of geological exploration units to the market; Third, study and determine the goals and work ideas for the future, accelerate the pace of development of the mining industry, so that the provincial mining work A new step was made. In late October this year, the team leader and secretary of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party chaired the study and study meeting held in late October last year to further unify the thinking and implement the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress.
我局在县党委、政府和上级矿管部门的领导和支持下,坚持以法治矿、持法管矿,有效地促进了我县矿业的发展,矿业秩序明显好转.我局主要抓了以下工作. Under the leadership an
本公司生产的空分制氮机(见封面广告)应用世界先进的技术及工艺流程,采用德国B、F分子筛及进口阀门(SMC)等关键部件。产品产氮率高,寿命长,只需常压解析,性能稳定。 本设备
在庆祝《航空标准化与质量》创刊20年之际,为反刊物办成适应改革开放、以市场经济为主导环境下的新型刊物,本刊于1992年 In celebrating the 20th anniversary of the launch
问:《航天工艺》需要什么样的稿件? 答:需要有分量、有价值的稿件。所谓“有分量”,是指所撰写的论著达国际水平、处国内领先地位或进入部内先进行列;所谓“有价值”,是指获
第一期 简论朔天运河 一郭开兴办朔天运河振兴中华经济 一王宏经 兴建朔天运河,根治黄河之害 一姬优惠钢筋混凝上带边框剪力墙优化设计 关于编制“中国城市减灾科学技术 ~凋仁