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有一首藏族民歌这样唱道: 牦牛的肉已经献给了神, 牦牛的皮已经戴成了绳, 牦牛缨子似的尾巴, 已经挂到了库茸曼达的鬃毛上…… 认识西藏,过去,我们从书本从影绘画从才旦卓玛响遏行云的歌声里;今天,我们从色彩浓艳的唐卡从至高无上的法旨从世所珍罕的梵文贝叶经从肃穆辉煌的桑鸢寺金顶,怀着一份初欢的急切和渴望,深深潜入她的历史腹地,用我们的眼球虔诚地抚摸,抚摸这一片神奇的“涌莲初地”。 把西藏的档案精品引到上海来,两地合作,开一条汉藏携手文化交融的先河。国家档案局的领导评价:是一个创举。 There is a Tibetan folk song sang this: the yak meat has been dedicated to God, the yak skin has been worn as a rope, yak tassel-like tail, has been linked to mandarin mandarin martha ... know Tibet, the past, we From the shadow of the book from the book Tara Dama to curb the clouds of songs; today, we from the colorful Thangka from the supreme supreme law of the world from the Sanskrit version of the Sanskrit leaves from the solemn Sang-ki Temple Jinding, With a hilarious eagerness and longing, she deeply sneaked into her hinterland of history and piously stroked and stroked this magical “homecoming” with our eyes. Bring the archives of Tibet to Shanghai, and cooperate with each other to open a precedent for the joint communion of cultures between Han and Tibet. National Archives of the leadership evaluation: is a pioneering move.
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重庆市黔江城西山片区最近新开了一家名叫“红帆酒楼”的餐馆,一踏进店堂,就能看见左边墙壁上有一条红色的醒目告示:“节约光荣,欢迎打包”。我称之为“环保告示”。 Qianj
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