目前的葡萄品种红提以口感好、耐贮存、市场前景看好等特点迅速“红遍”各地,有些地方甚至已把红提当成了当家品种。红提是不是在哪都能大面积发展呢?就这一问题,记者专程采访了山东农业大学园艺学院的李宪利教授。 据李教授介绍,红提葡萄适合地势高燥、沙壤土、通风透光的环境,黏土、积水和湿度大都不利于其生长。李教授讲,红提葡萄是一个市场前景不错的葡萄品种;但一个地方要发展什么葡萄品种,不但要看市场,还要看当地土壤、水肥及气候条件,更要注意群众的种植习惯和技
The current red grape varieties with good taste, storage resistance, market prospects and other characteristics of rapid “popular” all over, and some places have even red-headed as a headed species. Red is not where large areas can develop it? On this issue, the reporter made a special trip interviewed Professor Lee Hsien Lee College of Horticulture Shandong Agricultural University. According to Professor Li introduction, red grapes suitable for high terrain, sandy loam, ventilated environment, clay, water and humidity are not conducive to its growth. Professor Li said red grape is a good grape market; however, what kind of grape varieties should be developed in one place depends not only on the market, but also on the local soil, water, fertilizer and climatic conditions, and more attention to the planting habits and techniques of the masses