Advanced wasting in peritoneal dialysis patients

来源 :World Journal of Nephrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wondercn
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AIM To identify patients with end-stage renal disease treated by peritoneal dialysis(PD) who had zero body fat(BF) as determined by analysis of body composition using anthropometric formulas estimating body water(V) and to compare nutritional parameters between these patients and PD patients whose BF was above zero.METHODS Body weight(W) consists of fat-free mass(FFM) andBF.Anthropometric formulas for calculating V allow the calculation of FFM as V/0.73,where 0.73 is the water fraction of FFM at normal hydration.Wasting from loss of BF has adverse survival outcomes in PD.Advanced wasting was defined as zero BF when V/0.73 is equal to or exceeds W.This study,which analyzed 439 PD patients at their first clearance study,used the Watson formulas estimating V to identify patients with V_(Watson)/0.73 ≥ W and compared their nutritional indices with those of PD patients with V_(Watson)/0.73 < W.RESULTS The study identified at the first clearance study two male patients with V_(Watson)/0.73 ≥ W among 439 patients on PD.Compared to 260 other male patients on PD,the two subjects with advanced wasting had exceptionally low body mass index and serum albumin concentration.The first of the two subjects also had very low values for serum creatinine concentration and total(in urine and spent peritoneal dialysate) creatinine excretion rate while the second subject had an elevated serum creatinine concentration and high creatinine excretion rate due,most probably,to non-compliance with the PD prescription.CONCLUSION Advanced wasting(zero BF) in PD patients,identified by the anthropometric formulas that estimate V,while rare,is associated with indices of poor somatic and visceral nutrition. AIM To identify patients with peritoneal dialysis (PD) who had zero body fat (BF) as determined by analysis of body composition using anthropometric formulas estimating body water (V) and to compare nutritional parameters between these patients and PD patients whose BF was above zero. METHODS Body weight (W) consists of fat-free mass (FFM) and BF. Anthropometric formulas for calculating V allow the calculation of FFM as V / 0.73, where 0.73 is the water fraction of FFM at normal Wasting from loss of BF had adverse survival outcomes in PD. Advanced wasting was defined as zero BF when V / 0.73 is equal to or beyond W. This study, which analyzed 439 PD patients at their first clearance study, used the Watson formulas estimating V to identify patients with V_ (Watson) /0.73 ≥ W and their compared with those with PD patients with V_ (Watson) /0.73
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